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City of the Village of Clarkston Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Grammy and Oscar nominated Mixing engineer from Turin, worked for several great artists such as Johann Johannsson, Dustin O'Halloran and freshly Grammy nominated Sebastian Plano.
I'm an Emmy award-winning engineer and writer/reviewer for Mix Magazine and I'd love to mix your song with my high-voltage analog-summing rig.
We help artists to get more gigs and fans by delivering the best sounding mixes possible!
Dutch producer with 10 years experience in dance music production. A smart blend of EDM and Rock vibes with both organic and electronic elements.
We strive to create unique and professional rap instrumentals to help music artists express their creativity and inspire people World-Wide.
Professional Pop/Rap Producer & Audio/Mixing Engineer based in Nashville.
iTunes Top 10 Mastering Engineer. Songs have been played at festivals including Music On, Hideout, Parklife, Creamfields
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Recent Successes
"She's been tuning all my projects. Ans always does it well"
"Another great collaboration with Ziv. We worked on a cover song, and he gave such a personal and epic performance that really made the song feel like my own. And the turnaround time was unmatched. He's always active a..."
"Amazing! Mella is versatile, professional, and always goes above and beyond to get a track sounding just right. She always delivers quickly too! Looking forward to working with her again."
"Another great experience both writing with, and creating a demo, with Alyssa! Just fantastic work, as always. And so great to work with!!!! So much talent! A real pro!"
"Wow, I'm so impressed! The vocal I got is such a great job that I basically have a complete recording. Megan and her crew are one of my best collaborations here and ever. Megan absolutely feels the music, the rhythm, ..."
"Professional, friendly, understands what you want, great polished track, overall 12/10"