Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ciconia
Instrumentation Deluxe - acoustic and electric guitars, and other more obscure string instruments. Earthy Grooves, Mysterious Sounds and Enchanting Countermelodies, for a large part done with acoustic instruments
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Hello folks! My name is Sven Kissenkoetter aka Ascolta. I am a music producer, mixing & mastering engineer from Cologne, Germany. My focus lays on hip hop/urban music, pop and electronic music. I offer music production as well as mixing and (digital) mastering. My idea of sound is to create the perfect symbiosis of music and wonderful sound.
Hi, my name is Alex Marchisone and I'm a drummer/producer/composer/songwriter based in London, UK. I've been recording extensively with Grammy Award winner producer Tony Visconti (David Bowie). I play in West End shows Hamilton, Book Of Mormon, Wicked and I produce and record in my studio and at amazing Visconti Studio.
I make very unique experimental trap/hip hop beats that are something to jam to, keeping my style fresh everyday to keep up with demand. If you're just starting out rapping/singing, or have been in this business for a while, I will be a great asset to move you up further in the music industry.
I work mostly with independent artists who are focused on growing their identity and developing their own niche with their music.
To Do My Best Is My QUEST!
Professional and experienced singer on your song for $200
Producer, Songwriter
Urban Artist and Songwriter - Dvck - Trust Your Vision
Recent Successes
"Another great session with Scott! Always a pleasure to work with him "
"Awesome bass player, nice guy and delivered everything I wanted, on time and without fuss! "
"ABSOLUTE MASTER AND LEGEND! Honestly, Caden has been nothing but an honest and great pleasure to deal with and work with! Never a doubt or worry during the process of getting him to work with me on mastering my music...."
"She's a very professional vocalist. And she has an amazing talent. I'll work with her next time."
"I was back to Yoed to play strings again, and I have no idea how to describe in words how beautiful what he played sounded. It added another dimension to my song. Thank you Yoed"
"Mr. Nevison is a living legend. I grew up listening to so many albums that he took part in. Many moons later, working with him was a dream come true for me. His work is top notch. Right from mix one. It is what it ..."