Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cicilia Yudha
Specializing in mastering for high resolution and streaming for classical music genres, including baroque, symphony, chamber music and contemporary music.
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Born July 1978 in Zimbabwe to an Argentine Father and Uruguayan Mother. Grew up in South Africa and lived there for 35 years and recently moved back to Uruguay to settle permanently. I started playing guitar at the age of 15 after hearing Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi and never looked back. Im here to pave a new way in production.
Young audio engineer filled with passion and enthusiasm for the industry
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Known for his unique sounds and visuals inspired by the '80s, New-York-born singer-songwriter David Diaz effortlessly sparks feelings of nostalgia and wonder in his listeners. David attributes his soulful vocals to powerhouses such as Sam Smith and Brayton Bowman, and his lyricism to songwriters like Julia Michaels and Sahsa Sloan.
I'm an Audio Engineer in NYC who is passionate about making music, loves working with dreamers and helping them bring their song ideas to life. I record, mix and master.
If you have an artistic vision you want to hear come to life I will work with you until we fulfil that vision. Years of experimentation and studies in audio engineering, mixing, mastering, and editing have developed a set of skills that allow me to interpret your ideas into something you are proud of and to bring a uniqueness to each project.
Producer / Composer / Pianist focused on injecting deep soul into House, EDM, Trap & Latin influenced music. Let's capture hearts!
Trained vocalist that also loves to write lyrics. I sing and write daily. I have studied music for about 5 years and have sung both as a soloist on concerts and in chiors that was connected to my education. Although my studies in music had ended, my love for music and lyricism hasn't. I want to continue to move people with my voice and poetry.
Recent Successes
"Great experience with this guy! fast and professional ;)"
"François mixed an EP for me and it was a great experience. He's very on top of things, and easy to work with. I am very happy with how everything came out!"
"I cant emphasize enough how much of a genius this guy is when it comes to this music stuff! I wanna go out of my way to travel wherever he's located to meet him just for 30 seconds just to shake his hand! I mean, he..."
"Chris is a monster talent. Can sing, write lyrics, sing, sing, write lyrics, sing, write lyrics, and with no diminishment of quality or attention to detail."
"Phenomenal as always, beautiful talent, amazing person, great vibe as always. Handled brilliantly by Kirsty Grant. "
"Amazing pianist, really developed my piano melody and made it sound far better than I could have done myself. Thank you!"
"I wish I could write a book about how incredible it was to work with Fred. He was patient with revisions, answered all my questions and took my mixes to the next level with added clarity, width and emotion. I tested..."
"My friend Ziv did another impressive job as usual! "