Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Choir UMK Academy Toruń
Are you looking for a producer to write a song for you? I am a composer, lyricist and producer. I write in Polish and English. I create pop, electronic, choral and orchestral music. I will be happy to cooperate with vocalists!
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Blue Thunder Studio provides professional quality, high resolution recording, mixing and mastering services at surprisingly affordable rates. Our customers are independent artists, singers, songwriters, vocalists, rap and hip hop artists, bands, musicians, voice over actors, voice over actresses and hobbyists at all experience levels.
iTunes Chart No #1 Professional songwriter and producer with over 5 million streams and counting! I've also composed for film and TV with the BFI and BBC, as well as performing live on BBC Radio 1, Radio 2 and Glastonbury Festival! I love writing songs.
My entire life I've been writing songs, but it wasn't until around 3 years ago that I started doing it on a professional level. It started with writing my own records, and then slowly shifted into expanding my skillset to help other artists bring their stories to life. I currently work with countless artists all over the world via the internet.
Putting my mind into music 🎶😊🤙🌞
Hello, I’m a songwriter, music producer, multi instrument player. Ready to take the stage or the recording studio at any time. Music is not my profession, it’s my life. 24/7 dedicated. I have been main violin in an opera house, and played different instruments along the way.
Music works for all sorts of categories, artists, brandings, jingles for publicity or broadcast, including works for Brazilian TV network SBT and production for Gloria Groove
Mixes and mastering for independent music artists who deserve to be heard
Vivacious & versatile session singer (lead or backing) / vocal coach based in North Somerset, UK. Readily available for hire, remote or in-person.
Recent Successes
"Fred's great man! He did great mastering for my edm track, and before he give very useful advices on mixing to make track much cooler. Definetly not the last work with Fred ;) "
"Charlene’s interpretation has brought a whole new level to the last job.. 5 starts! This being the second job with Charlene. Commitment plus. Giving heaps of ad-libs, several lead versions with little extras to help ..."
"Very high quality work comes out of Arthur's studio! It was my second time working with him on a master and the results leave me more than satisfied yet again. You will not regret working with Arthur! "
"Aliz embraced our music and gave us the emotion, soul and atmosphere we were looking for. Lyrics from the heart. Great tracks. Time required = time invested."
"Loved working with Myra, superb vocalist and topliner. Really happy with the output"
"Fantastic to work with. He took my request and made it better than I could have described myself. He went above and beyond to make sure I knew how to record my vocals, and made every tweak I asked for in the mix! Very..."