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Chiautempan Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Media Production Studio, Freelance Audio/Lighting/Video Tecnician, creating show media content since 2007.
Hola 🇨🇴! I produce radio-ready music. I surpassed 1 million plays in 2020. If you want to take your music to the next level, choose me.
Former on staff engineer at The Hit Factory NYC where I had the honor to work with artists such as Robert Palmer, Joan Jett, Carly Simon, Hall and Oats, Chakka Kahn Ck which features Prince, Stevie Wonder and Miles Davis. I was fortunate enough to work along side some of the top producers and engineers in the business including E.T Thorngren.
I have been engaged as composer and arranger for many years, mainly in the field of orchestral jazz. Whether writing a score for a large jazz ensemble or doing an in-box project, making music is my passion.
Bassist for Chaka Khan, Sia, Keziah Jones, Shalamar, Tom Browne, and many others.
I am exceptionally good at writing lyrics and poetry. You name the subject...I write the words.
signed on Electronyse Me, Château Bruyant, Buy Now Records
A proffesional pop/folk/indie singer.
Recent Successes
"LiteShado is great to work with! Talented, quick, and super attentive to all my requests. Thank you!!!"
"Taylor did a great job. He was super patient with our team as we wanted to try lots of approaches. We are always thrilled with any arrangement he does for us! I highly recommend Taylor."
"This was my first time mixing a song with a professional, and Benny guided me thru the process with ease. He was vey responsive to phone calls, and after many revisions and conversations we achieved what I was looking..."
"Q's work is absolutely professional. fitted to my budget. despite the budget, we all need our work to bespeak. in his case, it is well-spoken. "
"Bobby John took my seed song and helped with clean up the song structure and provided a creative interpretation that I wouldn’t have considered but really like. And what a voice - so much passion and range. "
"Wow!!! Just finished my first project with Joe. I don’t know how it could have gone any better. He completely understood what I asked for and delivered it with 100% perfection. My only hope is that he will allow me to..."