Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chet Whickens
As someone who has mixed major label and local I can bring your songs to the front of the line. Having mixed all genres as well as performed on many rock and pop punk records for the last 20 years, I have what it takes to make your song pop
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🏆🏆100% five stars reviewed..‼️ My goal is 🫵 your satisfaction...❗️ I can help you to release your music on Spotify YouTube AppleMusic with the best sound required in digital domain. I am a Mix Engineer with 25 years experience. I worked with many artists from America Europe Asia Australia and Africa.
Clear, professional mixing with solid communication and fast delivery. From Tokyo, Japan to Atlanta, GA I've worked on up-and-coming artists, domestic and international. I provide radio ready songs at an inexpensive rate and I treat your work as if it were my own.
Trying our best to make music people want to listen to for hours and days . Our goal is the evolution of music in the most beautiful way .
Swedish musician and audio guy, located in Germany.
Comming soon. https://allmylinks.com/engaudio
Tommy Kim is a Korean American singer-songwriter from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Recently finishing his Masters in Songwriting Degree at NYU, he splits his time between New York City and Seoul. As the industry continues to globalize and music continues to dissolve cultural borders, Tommy hopes to be a trailblazing Asian American artist.
Recent Successes
"Good Job !!!"
"Very talented and very quick with delivering amazing results. I definitely recommend working with him!"
"Matt was great to work with. He understood the vision of the song and turned it into an amazing track. It's clear he is very experienced with production based on what he delivers. Highly recommend."
"Paul is a really good guitarist. He works very quickly and delivers very good quality. I look forward to our next work :)"
"For this song, I was experimenting with my vocals and didn't really know what direction I wanted to take it. Draco assured me that he could turn this into something I'd be truly happy with which he followed through wi..."
"Kate is the only singer i really trust with my songs. She always delivers, that is why i keep coming back. She knows what i want and we just get right to work. Easiest working process ever! as long as i am still makin..."
"Andres walks among the best! Where I come from skillful talented people such as Andres are considered "Giants" in the industry. He has a fast turnout and will get alot more work from me. Much Thanks! "
"I love working with Ethan! Such a talented musician and singer. A pleasure all around and such a nice guy as well. Warmly recommended."
"simply the best bass playing, superb quality, and amazingly speedy quick delivery. I keep coming back, Mark is the best!!!! "
"Solid dude. Works quick. Made adjustments without giving any grief. Highly recommend."
"Great as always, it is a big pleasure working with him! Fast response and he knows exactly what he is doing and what I want! "