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Charlottesville Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi, may name is Felipe Belotta and I work with audio and music production. Here you can know a little about me and contact me for a job.
We are Studio '93. We are a relatively new studio in Davie, Florida. While we focus mostly on rock music, we have the tools and equipment to record and mix for all genres. We are musicians ourselves and understand the costs for recording....because of that we offer low prices to help musicians like us out.
Recording & Production for Music, Movies & Concert Events. Multi-Platinum Award Winning Crew, Brand New & Classic Vintage Gear, Ocean-Views & Private Beach. Past Clients Include: Britney Spears, Will.I.Am, P.Diddy, Nicki Minaj, Imagine Dragons, Zedd & More.
What you see is my very own mixing studio that I run for over 10 years. I transfered my analog sound and workflow into the DAW so I can offer mixes for those who are tight on a budget and also get the benefit of total recall. Analog style and digital benefits!
Get Authentic Keyboard Tone. Hammond B3 Organ with Leslie. Rhodes Electric Piano. Wurlitzer Electric Piano. Clavinet. Acoustic Piano. Moog. The sound you will get will howl with soul, grit, energy, guts, and passion. Because the instruments are REAL. They are so heavy, I can't move them without help. So I love recording them in my home studio.
Experienced mixing engineer with a passion to make your song the best it can be, I am detail oriented I work well with digital and analog mixing software. Indie artist, pop artists, Hip Hop artists, and Alternative artists are my specialties I have accumulated over 1 million streams on my mixes
I’m in Arizona based versatile rapper. Not only that I found confidence in singing and writing song. Also an audio engineer who is planning to go to school for engineering. I’ve been making music since I was a kid but now I’m 19 ready to take on more responsibility as an independent artist.
Music composer, based in Buenos Aires, connected with different studios, schools and laboratories. Academic and traditional attitude but focused on new tendencies and irregular form and structures.
Recent Successes
"Delighted to discover Britt here. Not surprised at all by her many reviews. Very natural singer and a very good nature about her too. Very pleasant to deal with and quality vocal. Highly recommend."
"she is amazing !! thanks for all !! I advise you all to work with it ! and it professionally and quickly"
"Timely, professional, communicative and great ears! I'll be sending more mixes to Garrett for sure!"
"Over the top talented. The man has got it locked. Easy to work with and gets it right the first time! Will return as always "
"Ziv nails it with effortless flair, creativity on point without much input from myself. Perfect thanks again! "
"Vincent is great! He knew instantly what we wanted. His work is not purely focussed on the technical side but he also anticipates the artist's intention. We are very happy with the results and will definitely come b..."
"Industry legend! Knows his stuff and also provides guidance for up and coming bands. Excited to continue working with Jeff for more!"
"Austin is incredibly nice, throughout the process. He is very professional, and delivers excellent quality work! Thank you Austin for the incredible experience. "
"Ziv is such a professional and lovely musician to work with. He takes my songs to a whole new level every time and I trust him greatly. You will be very pleased if you choose to work with Ziv."