Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Centuries of Scars
You can have harmony with intense emotion. Even entire choirs if you want.
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Friendly, Enthusiastic, Entry Level Mixing Engineer and Producer. Rock/Punk/Power Pop.
Hi, I can make your song sound amazing. My name is Victor. I'm a creative songwriter and music producer. I can make you sound huge, original and great. I will help your music get out there with a structured plan and purpose. Contact me for more information.
My vocal tone has been described as "Bowie meets Bono", and is perfect for Americana, rock and alternative, singer-songwriter, pop, indie, and dance tracks.
Expert Engineer available for tracking, mixing, and editing. Credits with The War On Drugs, John Legend, Michael Bublé, Metric, Lady Gaga, Keith Urban, Justin Timberlake and John Mayer among others. Over a decade of experience with industry greats in coveted studios. Flow and precision are the most important things to me in the studio.
Mixes and Masters that will blow your mind! I also am avail as a guitarist or producer for your project
Are you at 80-90% and need that last little bif of help getting your vision over the line? Well that's what I do. Suss my work in the audio clips provided and you'll see how assist you in turning your ideas into finished songs.
Angela Cameron is a producer and singer/songwriter from Pittsburgh, PA. Their main focus is on chill, alternative/indie production and vocals, but they have a love for all music and love to explore different genres whenever they're able.
Arthat is a dynamic force in the music world, renowned for redefining genre boundaries with an innovative flair. Over a decade-long career, Arthat has masterfully blended electronic beats, hip-hop rhythms, and classical Bollywood influences to craft a distinctive sound that spans Lo-fi, Amapiano, R&B, and beyond
Recent Successes
"Chris is a fantastic professional to work with. He was very patient and diligent in our discussion of editing 5 mixes, and produces awesome work. Highly recommended!"
"As someone who have worked with the top 5 mix engineers on this platform I can assure you scott is the BEST one by a MILE. Heck, he is better than every mix/master engineers i've ever worked with in general. He delive..."
"I have worked with Eileen a few times now and her ability to bring the song alive with radio quality produced recordings of her voice that gives the best vocalists on Spotify a run for their money, there is a reason w..."
"Laura's bass playing skills are impeccable, she recorded some stunning work and it was all done in 1 take within a very tight few hours deadline. Laura is an incredible musician that totally knows her bass instrument...."
"Thanks for all. I'm so glad that i chose Stefanie for the project, since she delivered really impressive, immaculate & soulful Vocals and Harmonies, that bring the song to life. Also superfriendly communication. A++"
"Always understands the assignment, astonishing turnaround, brilliant vocals, wide range of styles, I love working with Michelle, would recommend!"
"Always good!"