Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ce'cile
Dubcorner is a Premiere Music Production Studio that seeks to offer exceptional services while delivering quality music to the masses internationally.
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Hi there! As a seasoned performing and recording artist, composer and arranger, I'm in love with all types of projects and happy to work on yours quickly and within your budget!
Attained 11M+ streams and 200K+ monthly listeners on Spotify, as well as 30K followers on Instagram to date through adeptly executing strategies to engage consumers. Achieved Spotify support across multiple categories, including: New Pop, Global Top 50, Hits 2018, Electronica 2018, and Chill Nation. Playing daily on BBC1 Radio.
Versatile pop/rock folk alt-country songwriter/lyricist/topline melody creator.
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Andrés Oddone has worked on materials by renowned artists in world music, organic house, neo folklore and hip hop, giving a special touch and the appropriate closure to albums that today are fundamental in those scenes.
I quit my job as a big city lawyer, and now I'm here to pursue my passion! I was getting sick of people telling me I shouldn't be stuck in an office, so now let's get stuck in a studio together! Outside of playing and composing, I'm a touring guitar tech heading out with Steve Vai in 2022.
I'm a highly versatile professional with great experience in recording and tunning drums. My goal is to find the sound that suits best for your track. Feel free to contact me and ask anything you need!
Hear it like I do!, https://soundcloud.com/esprmx/sets/esprmx-show-reel?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Recent Successes
"so I needed a song recorded fast to meet a deadline and Marcello was on the road...he had a five hour window to get it done for me and agreed to make it..talk about dedication and incredible work ethic, not to mention..."
"Another killer track with Austin!! He's the best!"
"Dan just finished Mixing/Mastering another track for me, as always I am blown away! Great work Dan, thank you so much! "
"Rahul is the Bansuri play I've been looking for for 25 years. Super adaptable, super easy to work with, takes direction beautifully (as if he even needs it), understands the spirit of the music & puts himself genuinel..."
"Ed is an amazing talent and a magnificent professional. His interest for the project goes way beyond any expectations. An artist, a partner, a technical advisor. He's everything you are looking for!"
"Awesome job, as usual. I highly recommend Dennis. This is as pro as it gets. "
"I've worked with Matt for several songs and have been happy with his work and communication. Will come back to him for more!"
"This gifted and talented man knocked it out the park once again. He's professional and the quality of the work is top-shelf. The project took longer than anticipated, but the wait was worth it. He just "gets it". ..."
"Sam delivered a final mix and master of our audio stems that sounded great, and captured the tone and sound quality that we were aiming for. Thank you!"