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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with CashGang
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I'm a producer, Mix & Mastering engineer, Dj, Song writer, Graphic Artist, Video Director/editor, In short im just an artist loving art.
Producer of sounds, ideas and emotions, through the elements of rhythm, melody and harmony.
Smooth vocals and succulent textures are the products of singer Jaiy, an emerging R&B artist from Louisville, KY. The upcoming singer was born and raised in the west-end, where he was able to develop a unique passion for music. Jaiy's transparency can be heard within his music as he tells of heartache, love-lust relationships, and struggle.
Creative and versatile drummer with experience in a wide range of styles.
Incredible Work rate!
We both have a combined 25 years worth of music production experience, both working together & individually on various project/aliases. Most recently as 'Mac & Ward' gaining support and working with industry leading figures such as Alan Fitzpatrick, Shadow Child, Huxley and gaining radio support from the likes of Radio 1, Defected and Kiss FM.
Phoebe brings the natural essence of your song come to life with her unique warm vocal sound and one of a kind harmonies. Known through the Soul and RnB influences found in her voice and being one of the songwriters and singers on 'I just Wanna Feel Something' by Asiah reaching over 1.000.000 streams, she continues to deliver quality and character.
10+ years experience in mixing, mastering, and pitch correction with a degree in audio technology from the School of Audio Engineering in NYC. Specializing in music mixing. Genres include pop, rock, and hip-hop.
Recent Successes
"WOW! 3 days to get exactly what I wanted... She’s super sweet, really talented and she really make the difference! I’ll be back for sure. "
"Nate was outstanding from start to finish. Technically - an extremely accomplished drummer, and great recording production, but more importantly he has a wonderful feel for the music and playing what the track needs. ..."
"PYRE Records coming THROUGH, yet again! Needed this track in 1 hour and they turned it around, plus helped me troubleshoot a sample rate issue. Thank you for your patience and quickness and making my track BUMP. PYRE ..."
"Fantastic! Eileen works with you to the best standards possible! Very fast, tuned well and literally amazing!"
"Awesome bass player and artist! Super cool to work with and it's been so great to have a great team to work with!! 5 Stars as always."
"Third time working with Camilo. Top notch master and top notch customer service. !00% would recommend. "
"It was great to work with Amelia. I love her voice, will repeat definitely! She's very helpful and committed!"
"He's such a great producer Surprised by the many ideas and quick work! He's been so kind and kindness I was lucky to meet him here!"