Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Camelot
I provide quality Rock Guitar production
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I will add emotions to your song
You need a beautiful piano part, synth textures or orchestrations to level up your song? Maybe a synth solo for your track? Or you need your song produced? I can help you out in any case! I performed for Cirque du Soleil, composed for Jordan Rudess Music, showcased the Seaboard for ROLI, created piano demos for Ivory. I have produced many records.
Professional elevator music creator
Hi, I'm a female engineer from San Diego, Ca!
Get original unique Hood Crunk Tracks/Music!!! This energetic style of music is guaranteed to get the party jumping. If you're looking for a original sound to separate you from the rest contact us immediately. We guarantee our Crunk Music services. We also provide other music industry services for local artists wanting to expand their talents.
My experience in music is great. I teach piano, guitar, bass, mixing with Protools, composition.
Hey! I'm Evan, aka "Eshnab". I'm a professional singer/rapper/songwriter, and been doing so for 2+ yrs. I've created 100+ different songs for upcoming artists+brands, and excited to work with you next! This year on Spotify I received over 30k listeners with over 100k streams, and growing!
I Worked with Alizzz, Amaia, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Vasti Jackson, Lia Kali, Belén Natalí.
Recent Successes
"Beebs Production is very efficient and professional. He customised his beats and his track completes our song! Highly recommended~"
"Arturo is a really great choice for mixing and mastering. He worked very hard, and was determined to help complete each track. "
"Giuliano put his magic on my piano composition, I love how touching it sounds. He was so easy to work with. He delivered exactly what I ask him in sense of style, dynamics, and emotional character of the piece. I h..."
"Oli is a pleasure to work with. He not only mixed, but mastered our album of flute and guitar. He enhanced our sound without taking away from the core of who we are and his attention to detail can be heard throughout ..."
"This is now my second order from Elise. As always, everything was perfect (and above all fast). Thank you for the renewed and very good cooperation! Sven Blaikz :)"
"Tim has a great ear with the attention to detail you hope for with someone mixing. Very patient and a cool guy to work with!"