Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Camebeat
Trabajos realizados con distintos artistas a nivel nacional e internacional, entregando trabajos con buena calidad. Componiendo, Mezclando & Formando parte importante en la producción.
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I am an motivated audio engineer with a Bachelors of Science degree in Audio Production interested in opportunities with your organization. My robust work ethic, passion for recording, mixing, live sound reinforcement, and diverse experience makes me an ideal candidate for the position. Mastery of studio recording techniques.........
I put alot of work into my Instrumentals/beats. I offer way cheaper prices and you will not hear the beat anywhere else. I also mix and master a song to your needs. Time an effort for low prices and I am willing to negotiate.
Dancehall & Reggae specialist with over 12+ years experience in music production. Allow me to get your track to where it needs to be! Credits with Tippa Irie, Gappy Ranks, LinkUpTv, Saxon Sound, M Dot R
Send me your music to make it the best it can be!
Professional musician with 18+ years of performing and recording double bass and bass guitar, sound designing, composing and mixing audio.
Musician And Model
I have played with Shred method one of the best guitar player in the world They say i am one of the fastest bass player around Also able to come up with stunning groovy bass riffs I am excellent in many styles able to groove or play fast rock songs
Sou cantor, compositor e engenheiro de mix, trabalho e estudo isso a 7 anos
Recent Successes
" Matthew was excellent to work with. When I seen him my work, as I am just a novice. He treated it as if it was most important thing he was going to be doing. He’s expertise took me through every step and included me ..."
"A real Pro string player. Nice record and good to have well organised stem files."
"The 2nd song with Hugo, cant wait to do all the other tracks, perfect Rockdrummer with the feeling of playing whats perfect for the song. Thanks Hugo"
"Daniel has a natural talent, he understood very well the sound I was going for and his work is impecable. It's a great experience to work with him. "
"I am very grateful to Tom for his brilliant mastering of our tracks! He did his job very fast and accurate. I admire of his professional tastes and experience, so highly recommend to work with him!!!"
"Always happy with TMR. Well worth the price! Very friendly and constructive communication! Can't ask for more!"
"Working with Denny was beyond expectations. Humble guy and exceptional artist. He was able to translate my idea and bring it to life in the best way. I'll definitely work with him again for my future projects. 10/10"
"Theia absolutely crushed it on this project. Her vocals brought the track to life, and her creative input added so much depth. Communication was a breeze—she was quick, open to feedback, and delivered exactly what was..."