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Cambridge Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Music Making Made Mobile
Worked with many known artist over the years, working on genres like Reggaeton, Trap, Latin Urban, Merengue, Bachata and more.
Producer and engineer specializing in indie pop, pop rock and alternative. Work has been featured in Netflix Original movies, various commercials and radio.
Hey, there my name is FRE. I am a music producer who specializes in genres such as K-Pop, Hip Hop, and R&B. I have had a few placements here and there but most notably by well-known rapper Ray B in Vietnam and a Thailand YouTuber WinnyNaNa. I do have a long list of credits with underground upcoming artists as well if you want to see that.
I am not a Grammy-nominated producer. However having previously been a signed artist, I am someone who understands the importance of having people invest in your music to get the best out of you, and best of out of the track - and not compromising until it's what you imagined.
eh i smol bean tryna get money to help wit da house being up all night i also make the money to get stuff i want any dont hire me i cclicked on dis cuz i thought it was a dubstep bord
I write my lyrics, I produce & mix my music like a professional amateur
Let me help you create your Acoustic/Folk/Americana song. Some people call it producing, I prefer track maker. I play acoustic guitars, electric guitars, lap steel, bass guitars, sing, some drums, some piano, sampled instruments (synths, horns, strings, etc), and help add some energy and excitement to your track. I also mix as I go.
Recent Successes
"Not only she has a unique voice, but also it was a pleasure to work with, she delivers and has positive vibes all the way! ;) "
"What Aaron done is quite imressive. exacty took it to a nex level. Really appriciate your work on this track!!"
"Bailey ALWAYS delivers QUALITY"
"I'm a producer from Korea. we worked K-POP genre together. he knows exactly what he's doing and he has powerful skills in Music. JOY is best vocal and topliner I ever met! I would love to work with Joy in the futu..."
"Third time working with him or maybe fourth! He’s my go to guitar arranger and player. Absolutely worth every penny. "
"Kate did a fantastic job! The song was not easy and she was super flexible with making it work to my tastes. I was a bit of a pain, but there's no other singer I'd rather work with, super professional!"
"Ethan is a pleasure to work with and very creative as well! He went above and beyond to give me what I needed for my song; I highly recommend him! "