Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Call The Comet
Currently play bass and sing BVs in Johnny Marr’s band of which I've been a member for 10 years. As well as writing my own music I write and perform lead vocals in the band Sea Fever that features two members of New Order. Strengths: Learning by ear, writing, recording and singing. I have a good vocal range and can play guitar.
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Hello, we are a Recording, Mixing and Mastering studio located in Venezuela, we are ready to get the most out of your mixes! and take them to the proper levels to compete with the rest of the world! We want you to be more than happy with the results! Contact Us!
Hi guys! I'm a music producer in Minnesota. I’m a publisher/writer for YG entertainment (Black Pink / Big Bang / iKON / Winner) and have 10+ years of experience in K-Pop. I also worked with a cosmetic brand in South Korea and released over 80+ tracks for them.
Anyway am not a fan of talking or typing in general so yeah i will make great banging track for you with a cheap ass price coz i love making music dont care about moneyy.
"Eravox studios is the real deal and I recommend them to everyone and anyone for their recording/live virtual needs. Hands down!" -Google Review
You demand nothing but the best from your music.
Full time audio engineer based out of Los Angeles, CA. I have an extensive background in music and have earned a bachelors degree in audio production. I primarily work in ProTools for mixing/tracking and Abelton for production. In addition to operating as a recording/mix engineer, I work as a live sound engineer on the day to day.
I compose, produce, mix and master.
Recent Successes
"Extremely happy with the result from Chris! I can strongly recommend Chris with out a doubt. Awesome guy to work with. He does exactly what you ask him to do without any fuss, and he does it with high quality! 10/10 c..."
"Austin did an amazing job mixing and mastering my entire Ep. He was very attentive and providing as many revisions as needed to get my sound exactly the way I wanted. I look forward to working with him on future proje..."
"Marcello is a professional right to his core. He asks all the right questions in obtaining what are your requirements and then delivers it back like a sledgehammer. His voice is huge and for me, a privilege to tap int..."
"I had a lot of difficulty articulating how I wanted this song to sound but Ben showed a lot of patience with me throughout and guided me through the process. With his expert skill and insight, he was able get the song..."
"Album mixed and mastered by better call smallz came out perfect will definitely work with him again"
"C'est la troisième fois que je fais appel à Alli pour interpréter une chanson. Comme d'habitude elle a très bien compris ce que j'attendais d'elle, a fait preuve d'une grande réactivité le moment de faire les révision..."