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Burgdorf Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Bass player, and mixing engineer .. own a professional home studio
With over two decades of experience and a proven track record of success, I'm your go-to collaborator. As highlighted by my clients, I'm known for my ability to: Interpret musical ideas and bring them to life Create a relaxed and supportive atmosphere Deliver exceptional results Let's work together to elevate your sound.
I will ghostwrite, produce and create a killer song for you. I've been doing this for a long time now and I am confident that I can take your music to the level you want it to be.
Do you need Melodic Style Trap Beats? In the style of JuiceWRLD, Travis Scott, Yung Pinch, etc? Well if that is the case, then I can help. Hey, my name is Adam Judy of AdamJudy Productions. I specialize in dark melodic trap beats. I hope we can work together, and make amazing music!
As an aspiring artist, I've always wanted my records to sound amazing. From over a decade of recording, obsessing over the tiniest details throughout the entire recording process, and working with very talented musicians, I have figured out how to make records sound the way I want, and I can make your records sound the way you want too.
Zac Brown, Billy Strings and more. I am an expert in cleaning up dense, heavy mixes so that they retain all of their power and detail without any of the mud. I work with everyone, from undiscovered Soundcloud warriors to some of Nashville's top recording artists. I specialize in bringing heavy bass to those who need it most.
I am a producer/mixer from Brighton, UK. I specialize in genres as Grunge, Shoegaze, Punk, Alternative Rock, Indie Rock but my work is not limited to it. I am offering competitive prices for remote producing/mixing. For example, a mix of one single - around £90. Check my work to see it's worth it
Over the past few years I have worked with many professional producers and artists on mixing and mastering projects.
Recent Successes
"Ryan's turnaround time is really quick. What's more he was super cool to work. Not to mention I loved the tracks after our mastering job was complete. If you guys have mastering work in the Rock/Pop/Alternative spa..."
"So this was my first time visiting Lucius and working with him and it was amazing, very hands on and very honest with the work we made and overall he is a great guy and has a great passion for music and creating and i..."
"NT Martin (Nacho) is an excellent songwriter and singer! It was my first time working with Nacho but I will definitely work with him again in a heartbeat!"
"Best make vocalist I have worked with you to this point in my career. Excellent communication, patient, and delivered a stunning product. Cant wait to release our music into the world! 10/10"
"Top quality mix, super friendly dude-- willing to answer questions and provide valuable feedback on the sonic quality of the tracks, it was definitely a pleasure working with Robert! "
"An absolute monster, so excited to keep working with Austin. This last track I had a clear vision for, and after countless revisions we finally got to the perfect mix and master together. All of my points at every sta..."