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Bünde Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Three time Felix award nominated engineer specializing in mixing and mastering with 35 years experience. I specialize in Jazz and World, but have worked on all styles.
I have more than 10 years of experience in music composition and production. I treat every song like it's my own. Talk me about your project. I can help you
Let me help you take that half-written song in your notebook to a final product you can be proud of!
Got lyrics that you need brought to life by a hot female artist? I'm your girl. I specialize in MCing and sing-song rapping but my style is versatile. I'm a professional DJ, producer, lyricist, performer, and voiceover actor. I'm set up ready to record and engineer at my professional home studio. Check out my playlist of published works.
Producer for modern Pop and Electronic Dance Music (EDM). I am a BMI and RIAA award-winning producer with years of experience collecting multi-platinum and gold awards records worldwide. I am based in Los Angeles.
I go by the name, Dizzo 1k, and I've been creating music for a while now and learned a lot while I've been trying to chase my dream. I rap, produce, record, and engineer. Pretty much a one stop shop, and I love what I do so i always make the sure the quality of my music is up to my standards and I set them pretty high for myself as everybody should
With over 20 years, several albums, hundreds of live shows, and more under my belt, I live, breathe, and know music intimately. I have contributed my skills on guitar, bass, vocals, arranging and composing to a wide variety of artists in genres including pop, rock, hip hop, soundtrack, classical etc. As a professional, I can make your music shine.
Mix Engineer and Producer based in the UK. Specialise in rock and pop -- if you're looking for somebody to just take your song and make those special moments 'pop' without ruining the entire vibe I might be your choice. Worked on multiple local bands who are always blown away by the mixes and always looking for something different to work on!
Recent Successes
">Great in Mixing >Great in Mastering >Great in Communication. Arthur is a very professional Ingeneer. He knows exactly how it has to sound! This was my second project with Arthur, and I still will come back to hi..."
"Davion did an absolutely fantastic job on our track. The scratch we gave him was way messier and more unfinished than usual. And he killed it! Only a true talent like Davion can pull together what he did from the frag..."
"More music for the people ! Love this guy"
"Brittany has a great voice but more than that is her ability to layer great harmonies and add libs within what was a very competitive price. I have already sent over another song and have a few more in the pipeline...."
"Nothing less than excellence. "
"Robin played some top-notch dobro on my song "Florida Man". She absolutely nailed the "front porch" vibe that I was looking for, and took this composition to the exact place I wanted it to be. Highly recommended!"
"One of the best songwriters & singers I've ever worked with, a genius!"
"Complete professional, easy to work. Full filled my vision beyond expectations. He totally killed it. Even for my crazy offbeat song. lol"