Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bump J
I am Chicago's go-to guy for your music needs.
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Hello! I'm Eric, and I want to help design the best of your creative work, using the keystones of my talent & knowledge.
Meet: NewKirkKezi C.E.O @ GoodLuxuryMusic Hello everyone, Im a Music Producer and Entrepreneur from the Washington DC Area. I have 28 years worth of experience creating different genres of music from EDM, POP, R &B, Hip-Hop, Chill-Hop, Trap music and more!
If you're looking for a fresh EDM (Future House, Progressive House, Tropical House), Hip Hop, R&B or Pop sound, you're in the right place. I've "ghost" produced for some of the top names in the industry. I specialize in melodies and can create your song from scratch or build around your lyric/vocal ideas. I'm here to help, contact me to discuss!
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Productor e Ingeniero de mezcla y mastering
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Violinist、Electric Violinist、Composer、Publisher
TechnoRevival brings the pulsating sounds of techno, hard techno, acid, house and deep house into focus. Our mission is to celebrate the magic of electronic music and connect fans worldwide. With a mix of energetic beats, intense live sets and carefully curated playlists, we offer a platform for up-and-coming and established DJs and producers.
Recent Successes
"Quality of work is very good, the vocals sound clear, he adds some nice effects to it as well. He's prompt and on time with his work. He answers every question or issue with the song you need service with by him. Ill ..."
"I think that the amount of reviews I've left for Camilo says it all ... I use him for every project I do!! Only person I trust with my productions/mixes to make sure that not only will they punch you in the face with ..."
"MAny Park - He feels the music very well It's important that we send artists to sound a certain way"
"Kristin is a sownderful violinist blessed with a lovely tone and feel for her instrument. She can make your heart sing - or weep - with her delivery. A great communicator too, and northing is too much trouble. She's fab!"
"Great communication Stephen said he would be done in less than a week and he was with a top class vocal would highly recommend if you want a top notch vocal "
"Jonas is born to do this! At absolute pleasure to work with. Tight, powerful, dynamic as a drummer and a strong and reliable communicator. Work with him before he becomes too famous:)"
"Mark's such a pro and delivers every single time. "