Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Buddy Mclain
4 Platinum, 4 Gold, and 2 Silver Records to date. Was signed to UMG for 13+ years (Recouped). Worked with Destiny's Child (Mixer), Sounds Of Blackness (Producer/Mixer) Stacie Orrico (Co-writer) and many more. Everything from Hip Hop to R&B to POP.
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What can you expect? A remix that will sound different than any others, full of good vibes. Remixing is something I find pleasure in. Please note that I will not always says yes to a remix request as I am also looking for good material to work with. Let me surprise you with my creativity!
Build it, break it, rebuild it, destroy it, relearn it, create it... watch it fly
“...a spooky, Upside Down version of Sun Studio” - Rolling Stone
Im a passionate music producer & DJ with over 8 million streams across platforms. I have had my music released on some of the top labels in Electronic music, such as Steve Aoki's "Dim Mak Records" & Slander's "Heaven Sent" Records. My music has also been played by renowned artists such as Hardwell, Arty, Alison Wonderland, & Steve Aoki.
If you’re looking for a layered arrangement of violin, viola and cello or an emotionally moving solo line, I am at your service to capture your artistic vision. If you'd like to elevate your song/piece/album with the iconic beauty of live-recorded strings, click the "CONTACT" button and let's talk.
Write what your heart says
Hi, I'm Eliza! I'm known for my soft, emotive indie-pop vocals, strong hooks, and infectious melodies. I would love to write a topline for your song or sing on your demo!
Hello! I’m Liam; I play and record clarinet full-time. I have worked my entire career wearing two hats: audio engineer + clarinetist. I served for six years as the principal Eb clarinetist with the Royal Australian Air Force Band and am a casual clarinetist with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra (Australia) and Cemal Reşit Rey Konser Salonu (Turkey).
Recent Successes
"Creative and efficient. Liam is consistent in the quality of his work. His prices are very reasonable and he always delivers. Love working with this guy!"
"Excellent job, couldn't recommend Roy more highly. He is very easy to work with and extremely quick. His guitar playing is exceptional, he can deliver whatever you want. "
"Jeff is a monster mix engineer!!! HE IS THE BEST!!!! He took my pop song to a new level of EPIC! Quick turn around time! Already getting him to work on the next one! Thanks for your artistry! Can't wait to release! "
"Chris is a talented and patient producer, who takes time to really listen to feedback and your ideas. Would highly recommend. "
"I got ALOU to do a vocal mix and it came back absolutely perfect. He knocked it out of the park first time around. The vocals were crystal clear, and all the added fx really brought the vocal to life. Would highly rec..."
"True professional in every way He keeps a tight schedule so be ready with your material,after all if he had all the time in the world I'd probably question that.He game my song the golden touch I'm hoping this song g..."
"Paul is great! He helped me bring my composition to life with his professional musical skills! He was able to turn my notes into a piece of music. He has a great skill. I would definitely recommend working with him. H..."
"We have the best workflow <3 "