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Brickell Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Sound Effects creation
Hi, I am songwriter and media music composer. Currently working for Klangerfinder - Atelier for auditive Communication in Stuttgart/Germany.
Warm Analog Audio
I have a unique voice with an authentic pen when it comes to R&B. Confidently, I can sing and write to nearly any production and any genre.
Pianist and music producer. I have the motivation to perfect my skills and grow professionally, I am confident in my ability to solve problems and generate ideas. I graduated as a piano player by Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Mexico. Audio engineer and music producer from Tito Puente University, Puebla Mexico.
Versatile guitarist that can provide professional and creative guitar tracks - has worked with Demi Lovato, Tori Kelly, Zhavia, Maluma, Alessia Cara, Zara Larsson, Fifth Harmony, Ricky Martin, Hailee Steinfeld, Lil Kim, Jennifer Nettles, Jason Derulo, Tinashe, Daya, H.E.R., Fantasia, Naughty By Nature
Iranian Musical Artist
Recent Successes
"I think Kristofer is a very good and talented mixing engineer. He knows how to use his ear as an excellent tool and he can form your track into the way you want it. You get a very good balance between a clean and a fa..."
"I’m so impressed I’m finding it hard to sound professional about this, you already like his voice so we can get passed that bit; he’s fast, attentive, caring and respectful towards your work, I didn’t need to give him..."
"Danny delivered very good ideas that helped get my song where I envisioned it. Very professional and quick on replies. A+ "
"Ggyyro did an amazing job for me mixing two Latin style hip hop songs I wrote! The mix is clear and radio ready. I will definitely hire him again!"
"You can hear the 5-star talent for yourself in her samples, but my first experience working with Nathalie was also 5-star. Good singer, good voice and good person. Great work! I will be back for future projects and ..."
"jonas is one of the best! great job, can't wait to work with him again"
"Great work as always, fast and goes the extra mile"