Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bre-Skee
Background Music: Showtime The Chi Season 2 Ep 9 K-CuttaTracks produces single for Artist Keila Grandz formally known as Dayzi Duce "Watching Da Move" Tune in! Scene: Papa is an activist in training! “We didn’t appreciate feeling like the poor kids. Chance the Rapper gave $1 million to Chicago Public Schools, so my question for you all is: Where t
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Hey, Im Chris. Let's record!
Session Vocalist and Songwriter For Studio & Live Performance.,Well known for her vocal blend of smooth warmth with a touch of sultry husk, and her vibrant personality. Chelsey is a professional, versatile singer with accurate pitching, distinctive unique vocals, and tasteful riffs.
XOSMITH is a Portland-based Pop Producer, with an extensive client list of musicians and performance artists covering a number of genres and sound styles. XOSMITH has lots of experience in the music industry, complemented with a deep understanding of cutting-edge technology and the latest production processes.
Vienna based Producer, Songwriter, Recording and Mixing Engineer, with experience in HipHop/Rap, Trap & EDM.
Here's what I've been producing so far... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/630ftshWvqVmHlmJq7n7vn?si=F_mJPixxSCaSJL4AVNEyng
Recording Academy Member, I specialize in the Bass Trombone but play tenor trombone and Tuba, I have been touring all over the world for 15 years with a lot of different bands before being a full-time freelancer in NYC for 8 years.
Contemporary sax player, studio musician, live performer.
Here at Beta Studio, we are working from the believe that all musicians deserve to be heard and expressed. We operate from the desire to help and support the music industry, especially, the independent, do it all yourself musicians.
Recent Successes
"Working with Arthur was an amazing experience! He is uncomplicated and extremely talented. Looking forward to working with him again very soon!"
"Awesome! Once again, great work! It´s a true gift to have the opportunity to work together with Janis. I love this energetic sound of his productions. This remix will be released soon and I´m pretty sure that we´ll ge..."
"Nico did a nice master. His vocal production is great. liked to work with him. also in future :-)"
"Matt made our song bump. With mastering, you want someone to feel what the song needs. Matt has a great ear and brought our song to the next level. I will be back for more."
"Freddie was very quick with his responses and he put serious time into the work I requested. The project I needed was for a piano, however he went above and beyond adding synths and perfecting the sound for me. I high..."
"Although her voice was in the end not what I was looking for, it's been a pleasure to work with Emy, she delivered the vocal stems quickly and re-recorded the ones I needed. She paid attention to the information I sen..."
"So good! Powerful, unique, beautiful vocals. Magda will make your song Soundbetter. Thank you so much! "
"Amelia delivered two incredible performances this week, a rare talent and an amazing person. It was a joy listening to her work, simply sensational."
"Todd was a pleasure to work with. The masters sound great and communication was timely. The value Todd added to my project well exceeded the cost of his services. I would be more than happy to work with him again. "