Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Brazilian Guitar Quartet
Transform your orchestra's sound with my custom, creative arrangements tailored for the finest ensembles worldwide
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[Profile] Since 2002, started my career as a "musical instrument instructor / bridal player". I also do work of studio musicians. I sell sheet music & CD on the Internet. [Music history] Saxophone (1995 -) Composer (2002 -) WEB production (2002 -) YouTube (2006 -) Classic in basic, I also played Rock · Pop · Jazz · Funk.
I am a songwriter who is able to write any form of music. I specialize in hip-hop, rap and pop. Also a producer with the means and ability to record or produce whenever I need. I have some but not a lot of mixing experience Great at adapting to other styles.
Multi-Certified French Music Producer, crafting emotions into melodies.
New! Versatile hip hop/r&b ghost writer and vocalist, with a global music background that includes direct mentorship and training from accomplished artists as diverse in range as Jaheim and Charenjeet ‘CJ’ Virdi. Let's make your vision come to reality.
Use my professional singing voice to finish your project! I can sing anything from R&B to Rock and Rap as well. I also offer female singing and rap too!
I produce and mix out of my home studio Back Cabin Sound.
The perfect versatile Guitar player for your projects
Your A to Z engineer and producer for creating a radio ready song.
Recent Successes
"Daramola just layed down some of the coolest background/ harmony vocals for my new single with ease. If your sitting there wondering if you should hire him for your project, just hit the hire button now and I promise ..."
" Michelle is the go-to person for strings. She greatly improved my temp ideas and then added a million more amazing melodies of her own--far beyond anything I could have even imagined. I'm looking forward to working ..."
"Leif was a dream to work with. They totally took the time to really understand what I was going for and asking for and delivered exactly what I wanted and everything I didn't know I needed at the same time. Super comm..."
"Great guy puts the work in and brings new flows/vibes to the project he knows what he is doing and is very talented "
"Nikos did a wonderful job for me. His beautiful playing and work elevated my track greatly. If you have a song that needs the strange mystery that is musical saw, Nikos is your human. "
"If you want awesome lyrics and A++ vocals, you gotta work with Kimera. She's definitely at the top of the game, all while being super communicative and moving quickly. Will definitely work with her soon and suggest ..."