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Boston Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi, My name is Chris, I've worked with lots of musical styles and don't like to settle for anything but the best quality.
My name is Johnny and I make art.
My name is Anthhony Paiano of Exodus Studio Productions, located in Mississauga, (In The Greater Toronto area). I have worked professionally in the music industry as a performer and music composer / producer and engineer for 27 years. As a musician (pianist) I have had great opportunities to work and perform on many studio recording projects.
The musical genre can range from reggaeton to death metal. My goal is to write the lyrics based on a specific situation, person or topic you want. To achieve this it is enough to have a good conversation between us and clarity in what you want to express with that song. Escribiré la letra basándome en una situación, persona o tema que tu quieras.
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Creative rock engineer looking to service and collaborate. Production, Mixing.
Soy guitarrista con 10 años de experiencia en shows en directo , tocando pop, rock, reggae, en bandas de covers y tributos por ej tributo a Queen - I am a guitarist with 10 years of experience in live shows, playing pop, rock, reggae, in cover bands and tributes for example a tribute to Queen
Beatmaker, productor y compositor de música urbana. Me gusta trabajar en proyectos nuevos y darle un nuevo aire al género.
Recent Successes
"Andrew mixed a single for me. Excellent communication, transparency & was very mindful of the genre and the existing catalogue/brand. Would hire again."
"Milana Was very patient and took time also paying attention to detail with my project. All the way through from start to finish she was determined to get my job done and totally satisfied. A real soulful pianist. "
"Camilo has been of great help not only with the final product, but advising before the fact, adding value with his knowledge which - in my case as a novice, has been of the most importance."
"I love collaborating with Lo. Our recent project gave me chills on the playback (as usual). We have worked on numerous projects and I am already thinking of the next one. So talented, so professional, so pleasant, alw..."
"Naman plays for the song and it gives it what it needs and an extra touch great creative drummer highly recommend ."