Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bossa 'n Stones
Music and art are so personal. My approach to Mixing and Mastering is always to make the essence and heart of the song come through while respecting the direction of the artist. I have a curated selection of analog and digital gear that I use as part of my signature sound in my professional studio. Let's talk about your music!
More providers:
If you're looking for a place where the professional quality meets good prices, then we're who you're looking for! If you're interested, don't hesitate to email us for more information! http://www.nosilencestudio.com/
Recorded the band J.A.P.A.N. in Blackbird Studio D
Versatile, enthusiastic and passionate songwriter who is interested in helping your song and career come to life!
My name is Patrick Hayes and I am a songwriter/engineer/producer from Upstate New York. Over the years, I have written hundreds of songs for other artists and have achieved some success as an artist myself. I have written songs for artists as big as Lil Xan, and independent artists. I would be honored to help turn your idea into a hit!
I am a Sydney based session guitarist and songwriter with extensive studio and live performance experience. Whether it's a whole song, guitar loops or raging solos, I can't wait to provide high quality tracks for your project.
well thought out, creative and cooperative work
Hello dear teacher When God created the language of nature on frequency, he gave us the power to play and make music so that we can speak the language of emotions. Now I present to you what is left of my ancestors In memory of my dear teacher who said that music is the bridge between the world and heaven {Hamidfar}
I'm a songwriter that writes for multiple genres (pop, pop punk, r&b, house, etc...). When you hire me I need very specific details on what the subject matter is, whether you want me to write the whole song, just the chorus, etc...; so I can do my best to write you a great song.
Recent Successes
"Very talented. Loved the percussion sounds he created. I give five stars for his talent and creativity, and three stars for the wait time. Average of four stars."
"Awesome voice! Easy to work with and was able to incorporate some great ideas to better the project. Definitely looking forward to using his services and talent again."
"Good Job... very responsive an helpful"
"Carolina is super talented, patient and responsive I Highly recommend working with her! Thank you Caro! ❤️✌️"
"Really easy to work with. Takes time and puts in a lot of energy to find appropriate melody and words that suit the song. Totally recommend!"
"Top Drawer- just great playing. I cannot say enough about how great his playing was plus working together was a breeze. Just great!!!"
"Bailey was great to work with and the quality of the vocals are very professional. I'm very satisfied and content with the final stems and would definitely go to her again. "
"Tony B. has a great voice which is why I have worked with him twice. His quality of work pushes me to do produce quality work as well. A pleasure working with him. Get him while you can because you won't be able to af..."
"Spectacular! A GREAT experience to work with Georgie.....know very very very well the magic of producing art with music! RECOMMMMENDED! (and great person, a pleasure working with him)"