Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BLVRS
I will produce your track, make you custom beats, mix your vocals and/or a whole song, master, or EDM remix. I have over 5M streams on my music and have served over 20+ clients.
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I have written many heartfelt and critically acclaimed songs, for my band, and on command - jingles, title songs and interstitials for video storytelling use. I can draw things too. I can sing like a large bearded angel.
I Produced, Recorded and Mixed songs performing Top Artist as Dominic Miller, Nick Allbrook, Wayne Krantz, Carajo, Alejandro Lerner, and so on. I Gratefully Mixed a song with Geof Emerik Lating Grammy Awards Nominated Winner of three Carlos Gardel Awards, including Recording Engineering Rock, Pop, Indie, Experimental, Electronic
Mixing engineer. Follow your session with Skype
I love turning an artist's vision into reality. My goal is to allow creativity to be the driving force behind any production, and bring out the best of someone's artistic talents.
Hi my name is Fanny, I'm a 23 year old girl from Berlin. I'm a singer and songwriter for more than 10 years now and I did many songwriting projects in the last three years.
Multi-talented Singer, Songwriter, Musician and Graphic Designer
Hi, Jayytimothy. Artist, Engineer. Looking forward to showcase skills and help create a song memorable and enjoyable for you and your own personal audiences. Connect w me and I'll use my tools to sculpt and shape the mix to a level of professionalism. Fine-tuned vocals! Loud Masters! Balanced bi- I mean Balanced mixes. XD ha! Tap in and Connect.
Recent Successes
"Easy to work with, amazing voice. Liked the way she arranged the vocals. Awesome songwriter. Good at getting instructions, understands the idea of a song right away. Seeing forward to work with her again. "
"Benny was the best mixer I've ever worked with. He was professional on many different levels. His ability to stay calm and collected throughout the process while giving me EXACTLY what I wanted was well worth the mone..."
"a real pro with exceptional creative talent and great personality! "
"Alex Rossi is amazing. Great sound, awesome performance. Very professional and surpassed our expectations for our first time using SoundBetter. Very impressed. Will definitely be working with Alex Rossi again soon. "
"Kristian was the perfect selection for my original that was a little rock, little jazzy but his bass line was exactly right for this song. Kristian was able to send the bass part quickly.. I don't think was even any "..."
"Again . . . simply the most uniquely talent vocalist on SB!! Always pro, reliable and beautiful to work with! AAAAAAAAA++++++++++!!!!!!!!!"
"always such a pleasure to work with Maazel. crushes it every time, super professional, understanding and kind. talented as well!"
"What can I say, after working with so many vocalists over the years, working with Brandon is a unique pleasure. The whole experience is A++++"