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Bluemont Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Serve the song...Dare to create! Producer and mix master!
Bilingual Italian artist. Singer, songwriter, producer and mixing engineer. Mostly into original and creative projects, not into copy/paste music. If you want to make something unique, hit me up.
home care Tampa
Nurturing, personalized production, songwriting and Artist Development. I'll help you reach your dream!! Multi-platinum producer, songwriter known for helping launch Christina Aguilera, Skylar Grey, Jackie Evancho. I write and produce songs that showcase YOU and are ready to release and pitch to Film/TV, record labels, managers, attorneys.
Whether you need an audio engineer for a song, a sound designer for a video game, or a composer for music I can help!
YOUR sonic goal is MY sonic goal. I'm here to help you improve your mix and make it ready for release/mastering.
Turning your sonic dreams into reality, one waveform at a time.
Un giro radical a tu proyecto
Recent Successes
"Thomas is one of the most patient, professional and diligent individuals I have ever come across in this industry. The level of service he provides is profound. I learned so much about the importance of file organizat..."
"If I could give Emma three thumbs up, I would. Working with her was a dream! She is expert at what she does and is extremely responsive to feedback. She communicates in an extremely timely manner and has a very quick..."
"Chevon had Charted Sheet Music made for my song that she stunningly sang and had produced for me. In every aspect more than could be dreamed she helped and through the bumps of finding a person for this. The cherry on..."
"Amazing to work with Daniel, he got everything we asked for done and did it in such a timely fashion! The song he mixed totally rocked and he was able to read our vision of the song right to our standards We’ll defini..."
"Devon sang it just the way I imagined it should be sung with great honky-tonk swagger. Strong raspy voice on key, great timing and phrases !!! Planning on using him again !"
"I don't know how many times we worked with Jazelle (at least 6 or so). She never fails to deliver top quality vocal lines. What can I say!? She nailed it again. Awesome job!"