Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bjerglund
Your Music. Better. I believe the songs being created right now in bedrooms and living rooms deserve to be heard at their best. Things have changed and you dont need to spend thousands on weeks in a studio - with a few good quality vocal and or guitar tracks you can have a radio-ready release good to go in a matter of days.
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You create music, but it quite doesn't sound like the pros? We provide analog and digital Mixing and Mastering solutions for your songs to achieve the sound quality you really want!
Here for passion. I would like to assist you in anything I can for your project while I'm building my portfolio. Studio available in North Shore of Montreal.
If you're seeking affordable music services that leave you with outstanding high-end results then drop me a message! I have been composing, producing and engineering music for various artists for over 10 years and have worked with a wide range of genre's inlcuding Rock, Indie, Hip-Hop, Afro-Beat, Gospel and more.
Hola mi nombre es Sarah Vincenty. Yo soy cantante profesional para eventos en vivo y estudio. Eh colaborado con el Dr. Mariano Morales, Karl Perazzo, Nelson Rangell y Elías Tona Hello my Name is Sarah Vincenty, I am professional performer for live events and studio. Ive work with Dr. Mariano Morales, Karl Perazzo, Nelson Rangell and Elías Tona
Persian Film/Game Composer
i do music production with pro quality level and also mixing mastering .i can complete any project in less time
Recent Successes
"DEXY helped me with my new acoustic track. Amazingly fast work, with good communication and feedback for me to apply in my future mixes. The track turned out more versatile, warm and smoth. Excellent work!"
"I’ve worked with and reviewed Aditya so many times that today I’ve decided to review him in a different way. I’ve come up with this acronym for him: A - Attitude, he’s got the best one on all SoundBetter D - Deta..."
"Emilio is amazing at what he does!! I am always excited to work with him. Apart from being an amazing musician, he is also a great person, very kind and professional. "
"Wow! Hugo helped me out with some Sax playing on one of my tracks and did not disappoint. With a super quick turnaround he provided several takes and variations for me to choose from and really delivered! Would reco..."
"Alfonso is the best!"
"I don't know what to say. It took ages to find the right person for my special Christmas song, and I was starting to get all stressed out about it, but then I foun Darren..A DREAM COME TRUE! His tone, his harmonies, h..."
"Michael was an absolute joy to work with! Incredible communication skills (with detailed, prompt responses), amazing attention to detail, and genuinely interested in client satisfaction. Oh, and he's a highly skilled ..."
"He’s a Dope lyricist and songwriter definitely someone to look out for "
"Once again, Frank has sung on a demo for a new song. His country voice was perfect for this song. It's always nice to collaborate with Frank."