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Birżebbuġa Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Low Cost Mixing and Mastering, as low as 30 euros for mxing and 15 € for mastering
Extremely versatile singer, from hard rock to pop, jazz and legit. In her music career she has been performing for TV shows, Musical Theatre, and collaborated with famous cinematic composer Claudio Simonetti.
Owner of the Casetta Studio, located in the valley of the Etna volcano in Sicily, I record and mix artists in a very cosy environment, with natural light and the feeling of home, creating a specific sound that can only be found there.
A world class virtuoso and songstress who's toured with the likes of Jason Derulo and PARTYNEXTDOOR.
I am specialized in Music Production and Song Writing etc.
Experienced music producer & versatile rapper for hire. I bring creativity & professionalism to every project. Specializing in hip-hop to pop, I bring your musical vision to life. With a keen ear & industry experience, I offer top-notch production services & captivating rap performances. Let's collaborate & take your music to the next level!
I am a session Drummer and producer. I studied music at The New school for Jazz(NYC). I have been the drummer for the Jazz legend Billy Harper, I shared the stage with Heidi Vogel(Cinematic Orchestra), I am the drummer of MOb(our debut album played in BBC radio). I am the Drummer of the famous Greek Pop Singer Mariza Rizou.
Recent Successes
"Ray is an amazing guy and very talented. Also very patient and has no problem answering questions and making any modifications needed. Fast to respond , delivers products quickly, has great ideas, accommodating.. ..."
"Guy was more than the perfect person for my project. His dedication to perfection, sound design, and quality truly highlights his remarkable talents as an audio engineer. To anyone looking to take your work to the nex..."
"Dmitry is a Great professional. He delivered a great sounding accordion part and recorded melody and chords separately so I could have more flexibility on the mixing stage. Recommended!"
"More excellent, quality work from Rosie – she just seems to get the vibe of a song and runs with it providing effective harmony and backings. The quality of the audio she provides is also superb, the producer loves her!"
"El Burrito was very patent with me as I am a perfectionist and I had to work with different vocal coaches and sound engineers and of course everyone uses a differnt DAW. He understood what I wanted and he did very pro..."