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Berlin Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Ken Parsons. I have 12 years of audio production exp. and have been credited with over 1000 projects. With my experience I am capable of servicing a wide variety of genres and I am currently trying to reach a 5000 project credits goal. I own A1 Studios as well but MBS Productions is 100% online and very affordable so I can reach my goal.
Hi, my name is Mackenzie Gray. I am a multi-instrumentalist (guitar, bass, vocals/rap, piano, drums, percussion, and anything that I can plug into a computer). I am also a trained sound engineer with 7 years experience in producing, mixing, and mastering. I can create music in any genre, and specialize in pushing boundaries with whatever I work on.
Mixing engineer and music producer with 10 years of experience. Produced and mixed various Hip Hop albums and songs in the Israeli music industry. Will mix your project with care, and will not rest until it sounds exactly how you wanted it to sound, and then more.
Engenheiro de mixagem e masterização. Profissional da música a ais de 20 anos.
Metal, Rock, and Indie music production. Blue Evolution Productions is based on making your musical vision come alive.
I'm a producer, audio engineer, vocalist, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and sound designer.
Recent Successes
"Yaron is a pro in every sense of the word. Because he has both extensive musical knowledge and technical savvy, he is able to produce an amazing record that brings out the best in the musicians and the composition. Fr..."
"I don't want to review Jon, as I'm afraid he'll get too popular and I won't be able to afford him any more!!! He took a drab, horrible sounding live recording of my pianos, made in the street on a mic designed for sp..."
"Working with Killian was a real pleasure! I can’t wait to work with him again in the future, and he’s great because he will focus on : what you really expect from your music. Small details can make a hit song. Tha..."
"Darren, one of the most talented artists that I've ever worked with, did an incredible job on guitar and vocals. He had freedom to cover the song as he saw fit, and his fit was natural and so easy on the ear. Anothe..."
"Incredible master. Will return for 3 round ASAP"
"Eyal does right by my songs. He matches his drums to them. Just when you think it's good, he adds percussion and it gets even better. Always arrives nicely mixed, and always fits the song. Thank you!"
"It's such an honer that can have Megan on the track again! Nicely done, can't wait to let the world to hear it! "
"AMAZING as always! Nathalie was able to capture an eeri/airy voice on this one for us and it turned out great as ever!"