Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Benjamin Mays
Producer & Songwriter | Mainstream Pop, Synthpop, Modern Country | www.antisongs.com
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I'm a professional Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer and Sound designer. Take your production to the next level? Hit me up!
I specialize in Non-Detrimental HipHop.
My goal is to deliver an exceptional piece of music with as much emotion, passion, and creativity as possible. I understand that each producer is different, so I make sure to evaluate that and adjust my methods accordingly. My main songwriting theory is to meet the audience where they're at; to write something that resonates with the listener.
so I don't have much experience because I graduated in erudit compose a little time ago
Elevate your tracks with my experienced touch on 7/8 string guitars, dynamic voice, and skilled audio mixing/mastering. I thrive in blending dark electronic hip-hop with elements of brit-indie rock and alternative metal.
I love working with acoustic music and discovering new perspectives on music for games and movies.
Full-service ITB producer, recording, mix & mastering engineer. Specialized in recording and mixing. Based in Central FL.
Recent Successes
"Brandon might be new to SoundBetter, but that was one of THE BEST experiences we've ever had on the site. We work a lot on here and there's a lot of talent. But Brandon is just plain awesome, a cut above most of the m..."
"BEST MIXER EVER. I've wasted THOUSANDS and not got the results $100 got me with Tim. HE KNOWS HIS SH*T!"
"Scott absolutely knocked our song out of the park. He knows exactly how to bring the best out of a song and sings with passion and emotion. He exceeded any expectations we had and was better than we could’ve imagined."
"Jeff was a great partner for me! A man of few words... haha, but now I know why. It's always about the tune. He was precise and really open to changes. He definitely brought my track to another level. I can only highl..."
"Macau is both one of the nicest people I know, and a total pro when it comes to music production: One of the BEST :-) I highly recommend to work with him. He has such great patience, and listens very well, answers qu..."
"Joel - You were an absolute pleasure to work with, couldn't fault the process from start to finish at all. Happy to work with you again in the future!"