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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Being Over You
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We are sound recording studio based in Vilnius (Lithuania). We do: sound recording, voice overing, music producing (soundtracks for TVC, movies, radios, theatre and etc.), producing of original scores, mixing, mastering, sound effects, sound design and etc.
Creative genre fluid songwriter, composer, producer, arranger here to help you with your music. Creating beautiful music is my passion and obsession.
As a professional songwriter, producer and sound engineer I worked for many famous artists. I have more than 17 years experience into the musical industry and big record labels such as Sony or Universal music have released many singles created by myself. No matter the style, pop, pop-rock, latin, ballads,..I´m very versatile and I can adapt to you.
...specialized in downtempo & organic electronic music ...recording all sounds in chile´s nature, as birds, water, trees, flutes are the main ingredients to tell a real story... labels: sol selectas, the magic movement, monada, agami, wayu, ...
Versatile expert rapper and lyricist named 2FISTD . Worked with Hayasa G, Chxse Wave and more. Songs with Universal Music,Trap Nation,Tribal trap etc. Featured in Rolling stone India. Rap/urban and cinematic vocal style.
Quality and experienced Producer, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing & Multi-Instrumentalist! Platinum Selling Songwriter. Over 20 years experience and worked major artists (Seether, Candlebox, Memento, Digital Daggers, The Wayferes and many more) and hundred of Film/TV syncs with Sony Music Publishing. I specialize in bringing the best song to life!
Mastering at it best.
You are leaving your music in the hands of a sensitive, passionate and (above all) unhurried person. If you need a more fluid chat with me, we can contact each other personally and handle things like 2 human beings! just ask!
Recent Successes
"Again, Mark perfects another single for me. The last of a six release cycle, but I'll be pinging him again for more to follow. I've said it before: his attention to detail and to my specific requests is spot on. He ha..."
"Yoad is a very understanding, kind and talented mixing and mastering engineer. He is able to take your feedback and push your song to another level. I am very happy to have worked with him and see myself working with ..."
"Excellent for vocal processing and tuning. His work is always outstanding. Very ready and friendly. Highly recommend!"
"Another great mix / master for the dance floor from Gosteffects. Quick turn around and patient with my revisions as always. "
"Kevin Definitely has the skills to produce the type of music you are looking for! "
"This is my 2nd time working with Giampaolo, now as with mixing and mastering engineer. The communication is excellent, he does his best to understand the artist's vision, contributes to the project with great ideas an..."
"I recently had the pleasure of working with Bram on a project, and I couldn't be happier with the results. His mastery of mixing and mastering is truly exceptional. From the moment I handed over my tracks, I could ..."
"Daniel is the best! Great guy and an AMAZING talent! He stayed in touch through the whole process and delivered on everything he promised then some. Listening to what he brought to the project raised the hairs on my a..."