Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Beezy Latta
Only the most bouncy beats for my clients. Nearly five years of experience producing hip hop, and recording and mixing vocals for my artists.
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Ambitious audio engineer and musician who hopes to produce and mix hit records.
In years of experience in music production and mixing, i have produced many emerging artists. I am available for taking on new work and build up ideas at higher level.
I am a Music Producer eager to experiment and try new things with creative music. I have my record label and recording studio at home ready to collaborate with artists. Experienced Bassist ready tot lay down cool babss tracks for your music. Specialized in genrese such as Funk, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Latin and Caribbean music.
”Award winning producer in bullshit awards”
I can edit, mix and master your song to make you sound your best!
Worked with founding member of OneRepublic. More than 10 years of experience in electronic & pop music production. Also started working in the music business for Universal Music three years ago. Featured in Spotify's Viral 50 Charts and played by DJs like Nicky Romero.
I love full dedication to my projects and communicating strong messages through it. Music has intentions and I like taking advantage of it to create ear pleasing instrumentation.
officially brayjammin'
Recent Successes
"Great work! Clean, accurate, well recorded vocals that fit the song well. Great communication too."
"Anna is back. Refreshed after her holidays. When she had worked on my ideas or ready songs I always admire how she did it. I had written so often about her so i did not know what to tell more. It's perfect in sound. I..."
"Clear communication, crystal clear audio recordings, velvet vocals perfect for radio and the club. When you receive her files and listen for the first time, you can't help but begin to believe you have a hi record on ..."
"I've done a lot of work with Elliot over the past month - as I've said in previous reviews i have no need or intention working with any other mastering engineer - his results speak for themselves - but it his "can do"..."
"Tyler is a top notch audio engineer. He will make sure you get your mix to 100% of what you want it to be."
"great work. Fast, professional all around awesome. "
"Fred went above and beyond with his fast response time, friendly service, and exceptional mastering skills. I'm very satisfied with his work!"
"It was great working with Drew!"