Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Beau Chapeu
I'm a Berlin based songwriter and producer. For more information please visit my homepage: www.hadlmusic.com
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Need Pro Mixing/Mastering or Lessons without the crazy price tag? You won't find deals like ours anywhere!
Hip Hop Producer, Beat Maker, Studio Session Guitarist, Mixing and Mastering for over a decade. If you are looking for creative high quality Hip Hop Beats, Unique Production or some Serious Guitar Playing. I enjoy working with all styles, and will deliver you something that you will certainly turn heads. Click the 'Contact Button above!
Big, punchy, world-class mixing and mastering! Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm a vocal perfectionist that makes your project like my own!
Having worked with Multi-Platinum Artists from all around the Globe - on Stage and in the Studio, Philipp Schardt has written and produced Songs that have reached Multi-Platinum Status, taught in the most renowned Universities in Germany, hosted Music-Production Workshops for the biggest Pro- Audio Companies and so much more...
INTERNATIONALLY known music producer, cellist, vocalist, sonic architect and Coachella Performer Saum G has worked with over 200 artists, UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP, and broken over millions streams on Spotify.
I didn't go to school for mixing and I still do it as good as these kids. I've been working on music since I was 10 and I have a good ear for it.
Kanye West, Big Sean, Ke$ha, Pusha T, Kid Cudi. Full service music production. From writing, music production, sample replays, vocal production, instruments, mixing, and mastering.
Recent Successes
"Love working with him! Professionalism, work ethic and speed is unlike anyone!!! He strive for and delivers the highest quality on everything! An absolute honor 2 work with. Looking forward to work a whole lot with hi..."
"If crisp sound and a super fast turnaround is what you’re looking for then this is your guy. His professionalism is second to none and he works with your budget. I’ve experienced a ton of arrogance in this field but i..."
"Mariami is amazingly talented, both a great songwriter and singer. I really enjoyed and satisfied working with Mariami last year - we have made so many songs together and every time it was just great!!! Mariami i..."
"Danny is an incredible talent who immediately put me to work (and at ease) with my project. He is the rare combination of musician, technician AND artist - so his approach is from every possible angle. He overdeliver..."
"Eileen does amazing top quality work, composing exciting music with different styles that are innovative and impressive. Her super talent and dedication result in finished songs that are always excellent. I hav..."
"Lyndsay was the best to work with! He was very understanding and willing to go the extra mile to help with our vision. The end results sound amazing and professional! We highly recommend him for your project! "
"I’m very picky about my music, and I’m so thankful Elliot understood! I sent him a track that I mixed, and he was able to put a little bit more reverb on my vocals as well and bring the guitar forward to make it more ..."
"Another great project with ALOU! Appreciate all his attention to detail, quick turnarounds, and quality work. Looking forward to more!"
"Once again, Mr. UNFAIR totally nailed it delivering high quality vocals in performance, recording, and musicality. Super pro. "