Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BearKid2o
Producer | Beatmaker | Rapper | Lyricist
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Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, I provide big-label product quality, with the cost-efficiency of a friendly single-source.
Kizomba, Afrobeat, R&B, Hip Hop, POP, etc...
I'm a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. I add a bit of soul to every project I touch :)
Hi I am Carl B, Producer, Engineer and owner of Pointy Halo Productions. I specialise in Rock and Metal music. Having the experience, expertise, passion, knowledge and equipment for it. I believe in making your experience and working with you as relaxed and informal as possible, but, as creative and as productive to make awesome records.
Award-winning, NPR-featured, published songwriter. Producer, arranger. Guitarist. Home Recording Studio.
Best of all I specialize in vocal mixing and correction. I'm well versed in how music should sound and I understand exactly what your song needs.
Mastering to make music-makers proud of their music. Mastering to make listeners respond. Mastering because I love it. See credits. Give me a shout and let's go!
Whynotfrank are born through sound experiments and creative forms that are consolidated in music works. The lyrics of the songs manifest the restlessness of those who observe what others do not see, while the sound of WNF represents the fusion of already known and unusual sounds.
Recent Successes
"Matt is a great mixer as well as mastering engineer! "
"Chad is a great engineer and it was such a pleasure working with him. Turnaround time was extremely fast too! I will definitely be working with him in the near future."
"As always... unbelievable! Kimera has become my favorite singer. I love how she can switch from soft to loud and from low to high. This track had a big range (I hated myself when I recorded the guide). But Kimera hand..."
"Top-notch player! He did an amazing job and got back to me very quickly. Definitely will work with him again in the future."
"First, I'm not comfortable using a ratting system that I remember from kindergarten. Katie's work ethic seemed very professional she possesses the 'how can I make your project even better' attitude. That is 5Stars. K..."
"We are multiple repeat Rob Murray customer! Never disappoints and the turn around and communication is Meta. He brought more clarity and depth into our master and we're ready to go!"
"100000000% recommended"
"The real deal! Kuyano knows how to get the right sound going for electronic dance music. Lots of places do mastering, but if you make EDM you found the right guy for the job! 10/10 "