Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with bato
Hamidreza Karimi (born on December 09 1992 in Tehran) is a singer, composer, arranger and producer from Iran. He started learning music at age 16 and graduated from Tehran Conservatoire University at age 26. Since then he is active as an artist.
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825 Records, Inc. is a new-school music incubator with old school perspective. Based in Brooklyn, NY this studio/production company hybrid has allowed founding producer & songwriter Matty Amendola to become one of the most hands-on producers around and considered an "artist development specialist.”
Efrain D. Garcia jr. known as "Eflat" began his journey at the age of 5 years old.
LOOKING FOR A WAY TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOUR MELODIES AND LYRICS? WELL SEARCH NO FURTHER! My name is Josiah Shillow. I am an award winning lyrical composer, cowriter, performing musician, and producer native to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I've partnered with southern hip-hop artists, Austin Lee & Xavier Skyler as cowriter and arranger.
I am extensively expierienced in mixing, mastering, vocal production and song writing. I am a signed artist who has built every song from concept to master. I am eager to record vocals for you, even more eager to help you mix and master your projects to nail the perfect aesthetic. Need lyrical help? I am a published poet who loves expressing.
Im 19 y.o. electronic music producer, making music genres house, trap, moombaton, pop, dnb and other.
I specialize in mixing live band performances for both promotional use and distribution to music platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music. I have also been a live sound engineer for the last three years working with a multitude of rock, punk rock, pop, and country bands. I enjoy mixing songs to have both a “live” and “studio” feel to them.
Hi! I'm a studio veteran of 28 years. I started my career at Unique Recording Studios NYC '96-'97 before moving on to become a senior staff assistant at Sony Music Studios NYC '97-'99. I moved back to my home town and established my own commercial recording studio in 1999. I am also a Valedictorian Full Sail graduate and a GRAMMY voting member.
Recent Successes
"Thank you Chris!!! I am very grateful to you and God for the turnout of our second song. The fact that I have never met you but we work so well together is testament to your skills, professionalism and great talent. Y..."
"dope mix. Will use again!"
"Jordan made my music sound so professional! Super well balanced, full, and wide mixes with a lot of dynamic range. He works really fast and is in constant communication with you as he works on your project. I’m super ..."
"Very patient and always up for new changes. Great mixing and mastering."
"I continue to be blown away by him. He always makes time for me and I know I’m getting a dope finished product back every time "
"Love to work with Trove, good communication and a beautiful voice :)"
" A very talented songwriter and vocalist to work with. The collabration was great! I would love to work again!"
"Brandon is extremely professional! This was a 5 Star Experience. He was super easy to work with and met deadlines! I would recommend anyone looking for a professional singer to hire Brandon Chase. I am extremely pleas..."
"Nate is a gifted drummer, skilled engineer/recordist, and a true professional. This is the man you want on your track."
"Henry is everything you might want in a session musician - he has a musical ear, great sense of groove, and is super prompt, clear, and professional in his communications and in his delivery of tracks. Couldn’t ask ..."
"Robert killed this mix! He’s truly a seasoned professional. I can’t wait to do more work with him :)"