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Bassoon in Brazil who worked with brazil
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Hey dude I maker of some stuff maybe for you? What you need? I work on FL studio 12. 50-140 bmp (Specialize on Beats. Trap. cloud. house. mastering and voice mastering Just ask me ^
Kamil Chrzanowski - Kailen Music Producer, Ghost-Producer, Mixing / Mastering Engineer Specialization: Melodic and Vocal House / Deep House / Tropical House/EDM.
Do you want to make your sound better? Look no further.....
As an experienced Top line writer and having worked with several established international acts, in a very wide variety of music styles ranging from Rock, Pop, Dance and Hip Hop to Drum 'n Bass and Hardstyle, we can provide you with catchy vocal melodies, lyrics and Raps in order to maximize the potential of your track.
I am a producer, mixing engineer, multi-instrumentalist and composer with years of experience in the industry and across many genres.
I've recorded and mixed 3 albums for Bryan Adams in 2022 alone, including the Grammy Nominated "So Happy it Hurts". I work out of The Warehouse Studio in Vancouver BC as an engineer by-contract and have spent many months travelling the world recording and mixing various projects.
NYP Corp - Burlap Fabric Available for Sale
Professional session/touring Saxophonist from Italy Alto, Tenor and Soprano Saxophone Master in Jazz Saxophone at Siena Jazz University (Italy) Bachelor in Jazz Saxophone at HEMU - Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Recent Successes
"There's nothing like giving a great musician a few songs and days later having all the tracks. Bart is not only a great musician but a true professional that gets the job done in a timely manor. I've been very pleased..."
"I really really enjoyed working with Brandon. Top drummer and killer sound. Couldn't be any happier. "
"Raymond did a phenomenal job mixing a track for me. He is both professional and fast. He listened to what I was trying to achieve and created a beautiful result with clarity, warmth, and dynamics. You could not ask fo..."
"Michael works quickly. He is very open and forthcoming with exactly what he's going to do. He takes time to explain what his approach was, and is very open to changes. He makes sure that you are happy with what he'..."
"Ziv was very patient and managed to get exactly what I wanted :)"
"Nikola is an exceptional producer and a great guy too. He was super easy to work with and right from the start he wanted to build a healthy working relationship. Because of this, throughout the process I 100% trusted ..."
"My mix is sick now ;) Thanks to Bram my track got what it needed! "
"Molly is one of those special talents that you don't find often. Her vocal timbre is absolutely lovely. Not enough stars for me to rate her!! Thank you so much!!"
"Stephanie was a pleasure to work with, and I couldn't be happier with her contribution. She was able to get me what I needed very quickly, and contributed some great ideas for backing vocal tracks in addition to the ..."
"Chris is an amazing guitar player who brings out the most in my tracks!"