Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with banríon
Professional-grade production, composition, mixing and mastering at an affordable price - specialities are Metal, Trap/Hip-Hop, Pop, and EDM. I can take your demos, song ideas or rough mixes and turn them into full-fledged productions, ready to compete with everything else on streaming services and the radiowaves.
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I am Kathleen and I provide voice over both in English and Tagalog (Filipino), with the latter as my native language.
I will mix your projects with quality and meticulousness! Want a French touch on your songs? Do not wait anymore and come talk to me! You're tired of being ripped off by the sound engineers who mix your songs halfway, do not hesitate, I'm here :). As a gift, if you wish, I will propose a photo montage for the release of your song like that, you wil
Award-winning composer and producer with credits on Amazon Prime, Microsoft Xbox, Cinecittà, and Sony, selected to represent Italy at SIM São Paulo. Specializes in immersive soundtracks, music production, and arrangements.
- Berklee College of Music Graduate with a degree in Music Production and Engineering, and Music Business.
Club Yokai is a Japanese-American producer duo based in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Credits with Sony Music, Universal Music Group, Genshin Impact, Dislyte, Steve Lacy, Steve Hackman, Charles Yang, Nadia Shpachenko, Bill Prokopow, Grace Kinstler, Chloe Kat, Ruslan Sirota, USC, and many more.
I'm a London, UK based music producer, with 10 years of experience in music production and mix engineering. A few years ago, I decided to quit my day job and move towards a career in music full time to follow my passion and do what I love!
Hi! I'm Fabiano, I play in a power duo (Rough Enough), I write lyrics and melodies, I also make a lot of noise with my guitars and my effects. I play alternative rock, garage, punk, stoner with influence from blues and psychedelia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTfOraJBwfQ&ab_channel=RoughEnough
Hey! I'm Stephen, a passionate home studio owner. I thrive in producing, writing, and mixing music, always striving for crystal clear results delivered promptly. My dedication to excellence ensures that every project I work on shines brightly. Feel free to ask for my portfolio to dive into the music I've crafted with care and creativity.
Recent Successes
"Gavin took my rough Idea and really molded the arrangement into a floor filler. I'm preparing the next track to send to him now :)"
"Amazing as always!"
"Fantastic! Exceeded my expectations. Superb I will use him again"
"Perfect work with Fred !! It's a pleasure to work with him !"
"Mikhail is a fantastic professional and got me the exact results I wanted. Really easy to work with and knew exactly the direction I wanted the track to go in. We are already in talks about the next project together. ..."
"I feel as though working with Chris has improved me as a musician. Easy to work with and open communication. Very much enjoyed conversation and having his musical skills and knowledge applied to my music. Will absolut..."
"Fantastic pro work as always!"
"Ben is an absolute pleasure to work with. Our session was online but felt just like being at the studio in-person. So talented, with great ideas and really fun to work with! "
"Lydia is a gifted pianist and is an amazing organist. Oh yeah, she sings too! She listens and adapts and fits in the perfect parts in a tasty manner. She complements songs that are a bit complex because she is a ..."
"Amazing communication and very professional. It's kinda cool when the engineer likes you track too, very thankful. I will definitely reach out again. Andres is also quick too, which is awesome too! Thanks again, mahalo! "
"Zach is great, super talented and very focused"