Banjo in New Orleans
Professional musician living and working in New Orleans. Telecaster/Acoustic Country/Americana Guitar Picking and Fiddle are my strongest skills. Record/Mix bands with a preference for more folky or country styles. I also have many professional musician friends here in New Orleans on pretty much any instrument that could be hired for sessions.
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I specialize in kick starting a song idea from simple beginnings to demo quality
I'm very good on helping independent bands to find their own unique sound in order to upgrade from standard to emerging/signed artist status (ex; Dingo Bells, Apanhador Só...). I've got awards as producer, artist and composer. My best quality is to find creative and innovative solutions for audio and music. Love preproduction and creative mixing!
I made a beat for ASAP Rocky.
I am a singer & songwriter in NYC. I am always looking to vibe, create, write, and perform. I'd like to think I am an R&B singer, but in this era I find myself singing and writing multiple genres.
Head of Independent Label/Collective UNIQUE TERRESTRIAL, Shifting paradigms with innovative and creative artist.
I am a mixing/mastering engineer with over 20 years experience, specializing in ambient and spacious music genres. Mint Condition, Jakob Ahlbom, Dear Gravity.
I'm here for the music, not the money. Professional quality without ripping you off. As a musician and producer for over 10 years, I have a trained ear and the experience necessary to turn any piece of work into a work of art.
Where performance and production meet. Multi-instrumentalist (guitar, bass, drums) and producer specializing in custom sounds for film, advertisements, and pop recordings. Featured on Breitling WALLS campaign and Quinn Devlin's "California Wine", which have each garnered over 1 million views across platforms. Let's work!
Recent Successes
"Jake is an amazing singer. He's really talented, creative and works super fast. I would recommend Jake every time! Thanks for your amazing work brother!"
"Working with Jaro was an extremely fulfilling experience. There was an air of understanding and maturity from the word go. Where Jaro really shines through is understanding the exact sound a song is aiming for right a..."
"Our reviews of Jimmy are technically "piling up." One great collaboration after another! He's the real deal. Every one of our songs that Jimmy's a part of are ALWAYS the ones that get the most attention. So awesome!"
"Good Job Lucas. "
"Great experience working with Rob. Lovely guy and great professional. See my previous review for my glowing analysis of his skillset! I look forward to working with Rob on future tracks."
"Have worked on several songs and is always a great experience!"
"Ryan Svendsen is a phenomenal horn player and will bring your vision to life with ease. Hire him! "