Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bambie Thug
I specialise in alt pop with dark industrial, pounding basslines. Producer of Luke Black - Samo Mi Se Spava (Serbian Eurovision Entry 2023) Producing for artists: Luke Black, Rêve, Nonô, Solardo Jessica Winter, Lynks Afrikka, Chester Watson, Jazmin Bean. 20M+ plays on my solo material as Shurk and COMANAVAGO. Signed with Ultra Music.
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Situated at the break of dawn studios
Mixing engineer based in London. Available to artists worldwide.
Brave producer, experimental research, lively imagination, gentleman out of time
You want some french touch on your next project ? I can help you in some way : Beatmaking, Record & Mix, Guitarist, Vocalist,..
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Ming Vauz has been a multi-instrumental session musician for over 20 years, collaborating with several globally famous producers. He’s recorded for artists Anna Calvi, Shakespeares Sister, composed scores for noted filmmakers and directors, and co-wrote a song with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Ming will help elevate any work
SoundGard is a fusion between Soundbit and Melgard. 2 studios dedicated to bring you the highest standards in Music Production and Sound Design
I’m a passionate and versatile composer, producer, and musician dedicated to crafting exceptional soundscapes. I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with talented artists like BBtrickz, Goya Gumbani, Buhodermia, and Malek!!. Together, we’ve created impactful music that resonates deeply with audiences.
Recent Successes
"Marc is a very talented and great guy to work with. We were very pleased with the job he did on our project and would highly recommend him."
"It was a pleasure to work with Kenji great communication and such a talented producer, I sent Kenji a basic track with a vocal and he completed a masterpiece for a great price. Worth every penny spent and a 10 out of 10 "
"Another fantastic job from Erik! He really came through on my project and brought a lot to the table. I'll definitely be working with him in the future."
"Killian has done it AGAIN! He's created yet another track that is beyond anything in my head. This one is SUPER HITTTT QUALITY! The songs just keep getting better and better!"
"I was very happy to work with Eoin! He delivered the high quality lyrics and took into account my propositions of the song theme."
"Fantastic master work from Wes, as always! "
"I've been on a quest to finding a trustworthy & an experienced Audio-Producer, to work w/me on my dad's tribute song. I'm so glad I stumbled on Alex via SB. Alex is absolutely amazing to work with! An efficient skill..."
"Another great experience with Leo, super professional and helpful"