Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with b-auu
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Hi my name is Flo from Sun Productions Leipzig.
As a songwriter/artist, I have worked with major-label producers such as Fred Ball and The Arcade and also recently gotten cuts with artists such as Demi Lovato, Justine Skye, Dizzee Rascal, and Samuel Larsen. I specialize in writing killer melodies and hooks so if that's what you're looking for (and more!), I'm your man.
Previously a full-time studio owner operator, after years away I am making a move back to the music!
Session Drummer, Mixing, and Mastering Engineer with over a decade of professional experience.
I am fond of playing casino games
Edu Helpers Inn offers premium editing and proofreading services to make your paper perfect. We read everything, and nothing misses our experts’ sight.
Make music for Video Game
I am a passionate and versatile Music Producer, I bring melodies to life and transform tracks into unforgettable experiences.
Recent Successes
"Tyler has a great tone of voice that will shine on any pop/electronic production. Really lovely voice. Brought my song to life. She worked well with the given task. Looking forward to working more."
"Just had my first interaction with Matt and must say that he's very intuitive. I enjoyed the training I received and believe that I can learn a lot from him. He's patient, knowledgeable and and very savvy with mixin..."
"Wow! this singer is a "Diva in Waiting" her voice has a pure tone but it's also edgy as!! her ability to control her vocals and their tone is really unique...with An edgy strong driving accent when you need it combine..."
"Incredibly talented and will work hard to make sure you are happy with the result! "
"Mariami is such an Awesome professional to work with. She listens carefully to what the client is requesting and is able to provide very effective input which translates into a beautiful work of music completed by he..."
"A good producer is everything. Caleb is a GREAT producer. He is a skilled musician with innovative ideas. I was not sure how to move forward with my first type of folk ballad. Caleb intuitively took my song in the rig..."