Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AZP
Fully produced records and albums, made with real sounds in real spaces. 6 #1's on various Billboard Charts, 11 top 10's. Take your song to the next level and make a record with me remotely or come make it at my studio.
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Hi, My name is Saurav, I am a music producer. I make Prog House, Chill, Lofi, Pop, etc Apart from that I write lyrics as well but I started that recently.
Professional songwriter, producer, engineer, with numerous television credits, and international releases. Able to compose, produce and engineer fully orchestrated works in various genres including rock, pop, blues, funk and hard-rock.
Experienced, professional, and versatile. Recording, Mixing and Mastering Studio available. Super solid electric and upright bass lines. Lets make history together, and have fun with this beautiful way to live. Let the music, and your music run free.
Work hard, sound hard. This is my motto when working on a mix, master or a musical production.
Helping clients find the perfect sound for their music!
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Professional Guitarist of 50 years - Skyhooks, The Angels, Angel City. Number 1 album, multiple top 10, Gold and Platinum albums. Member ARIA Hall of Fame. Skyhooks - Guilty Until Proven Insane, Live - Be In It, Hot For The Orient. The Angels - Howling, Liveline, Beyond Salvation, Redback Fever. Rose Tattoo - '18 - '22
I´m kazper Hip Hop Beatmaker of old and new school beats.
Recent Successes
"Unbelievable job by Enrico! He really brought out the feel of the song I was looking for. Also, he had the patience for the small alterations I asked for."
"Kelby has a fantastic voice! He gave me lots of great tracks for a song with some difficult to sing lyrics, and he did great. A really nice match for Coldplay. Highly recommended!"
"Chris is a great Pianist !! He follows instructions very well and has a great sounding recording. It is very warm and classic sounding. I hope to work with Chris on my next song !!"
"KRAMER is awesome! He was communicative, patient and listened to my questions and concerns. I will be coming back for mastering on my next work! Highly recommend!!"
"Thank you Caden! A great collaborator and the right producer if you're looking to get more umph into your songs. He was very accommodating along the way and most importantly, humble. "
"Beautiful voice and talented lyricist, incredibly professional and responsive to work with, 100% happy with the finished product!"
"Fred is the absolute best at was he does! If you're looking for professional sound and service, look no further. Can't wait to work with him again soon!"
"As always very one of the most professional Soundbetter artists. Thank you, Zak."
"Laurel is a pleasure to work with. I'd never used Soundbetter before but she was so helpful and walked me through what she needed. I'm beyond thrilled by the result, which she nailed first time and I'm just in awe of..."