Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aziph Onlee
#TNM Small Guy Records Inc, is a record label that is owned by its artists. The company works together with #TNM The New Music Movement Inc., www.thenewmovement.com a non-profit that provides music business education & advocacy to indie artists. We also run #TNM LLC, specializing in Production, Song Writing, Publishing, Copyright & other services.
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Im a record producer, engeneer, video editor, musician, DJ and ghost writer with 10+ years of music experience. I have gotten played on radio stations and have tens of thousands of plays on streaming services. I mix and master in my own personal studio with $30,000+ worth of equipment!
Kylie Diehl
My name is Farit aka Airsoul. My tracks and remixes supported by: Above&Beyond, Paul Van Dyk, Gareth Emery, Andy Moor.
I bet we can add horns to your track in a way you hadn't considered. Session/arranging cred: Frankie J, San Diego Symphony, Mrs Henry, The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble
I will make your songs RADIO READY! I will mix and master your projects with the best plugins and hardware that money can buy, to the highest standards, and help make your songs competitive with the rest of the market. Whether for streaming platforms, CD, vinyl, or the radio I will make your projects SHINE, I absolutely guarantee it!
Hello I'm Dimitri Monev - DJ/Producer/Ghost-Producer/Remixer/Label Owner Already a decade in electronic music scene as DJ & Producer under name Dimitri Monev. Through the years I collected most of the process of making music and have created own manner of workflow. My productions are under Ableton Live 10 + my all external instruments and modular
Grindin hard
A sweet, clean, bright voice with a specialization in EDM, R&B & Pop sounds. I love to sing.
Recent Successes
"Arthur has a wonderful ear and knows how to cater to your requests excellently. Friendly, and knows how to bring out the best in your songs. Great value, quality work. Highly recommend."
"Great as always!!! "
"His rap was great! I'm looking forward work again with him!"
"Great audio sound. Pitch levels match up. The way the songs sound now is a new different and I really appreciate frfr. 👌🏾"
"It was the second time I was working with Dat, and I got awesome results again, so I can fully recommend her as a vocalist for everyone! She is also a very nice person to work with, communication is very easy, and she..."
"Another great job ! If you need your tracks mixed / mastered to a professional quality simone is your man ! "
"Luke is just too good for the internet, but while we rely on tech and signal to create our art, I'm grateful my computer can connect with a drummer/musician as brilliant and as versatile as Master Luke Markham. Thanks..."
"Amazing guy. I keep coming back cause I like his work ethic, his voice and his delivery time ;))"
"Britt is a true professional!! Outstanding vocalist!! She is very easy yo work with. It is always a pleasure working with her!!"
"Very fast and nailed it on the first try! Great job! "
"Awesome! Enrico always delivers!"