Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Audio Alterna
A Top 10% Artist & Songwriter according to muso.ai with over 15 years of experience as an sound engineer for new and established artist like De La Ghetto, Juancho, Odiel, Roddy Rod and others. Pro Tools Certified. Specialized in Latin Urban music like Reggaeton, Latin Rap, Trap, and Hip-Hop.
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Tsvetan Nikolaev has completed 12 years of music education in classical piano. He has worked in the recording industry for over 15 years. His clients come from all music genres, as he is able to recognise the trends in each style equally well. Tsvetan has developed the skill to listen to any musical idea and extract the absolute maximum from it.
Make your tracks come to life.
Recording and Mixing professionally for over 20 years. Blue Man Group Drummer and String player for 18 years. Please listen to my samples here and on my website.
over 1mill + Combined Streams! Mix Engineer / Producer/ Songwriter / Mastering Engineer. My goal is to serve the artist, the song, and help create the best music possible. I work closely with both major and independent artists to help create amazing, emotion-filled mixes & productions. I look forward to working with you!
I will be your female vocalist
I've been in writing and making songs for 9 years.
Professional vocalist specialising in ethereal, dark pop/alternative music. Sprinkle some magic and mystery onto your beloved creations.
Recent Successes
"Mickey was awesome! She was so patient through the entire process! She was very professional and friendly! The final product really showed what she's all about...amazing :)"
"Grant is a ROCKSTAR!!! He delivered EXTRA FAST and with the GREATEST QUALITY! Can’t wait to work with him again! "
"Clear communication and a keen ear for detail. And also an awesomely energetic person"
"Gabriele was incredible. Very professional, quick delivery time and extremely high quality deliverables both wet and dry."
"Shelley performs beautiful and incredibly organic songs. it's like she tells the true story she has experienced when singing your song. Organic performance combined with great technical vocal skills and trustworthy ..."
"Larry is a very good musician ! The biggest problem with working from a distance is that you're not together in the studio. So it's difficult to say ... try this, try that, other sound, ... it's often a matter o..."
"As good as it gets! this is our 4th time using Andres. Why go anywhere else!! Amazing communication, great rates and freaking epic sounds!!! "