Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ash Noremac
U.S sound engineer / producer based in London. I've worked with a variety of high profile and upcoming artists from the UK and U.S both for Rap and RnB. I try to bring out the best in everyone I work with and believe in innovative sound.
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MFSound is a special digital service run by Matthias Springer and related to electronic Music
LA based R&B Vocalist and Songwriter with Home Studio I do R&B, pop, jazz and a whole range of voices as a Voiceover actor!
Almost 20 years experience in live music mixing in almost every genre.
SZY is an artist, songwriter, and producer living in Los Angeles. His music is filled with lush organic synth-scapes, bouncy urban rhythm palettes, and plenty of melodically infectious vocal hooks. His body of work offers up a fresh perspective to the modern Pop/R&B catalog.
Young and eager to expand and improve my skills.
With over 100k streams on music I've worked on, I have 7 years of experience engineering, producing and writing hip hop and pop, with a certificate in audio engineering from Blackbird Academy in Nashville, TN.
Compose Classical and cinematic orchestral music.
Big room festival music is what I make!
Recent Successes
"I loved working with Emma because she works fast, answers quickly and clear explanation. If you have questions she well definitely try to explain it! She did a great job! Thank you for being so kind!"
"Nevve is the real deal. Absolutely nothing amateur about what you get in return for the higher price. The saying, "you get what you pay", is an underestimate, as you can't pay enough for this level of magic. They p..."
"Draco! This man is a gem! He takes your tracks and puts them on steroids! The sauce is that of the finest ingredients! Love working with him! "
"Those guys are amazing. They know 100% what they doing. I truly can recommend them. They brought the track to the next level. The communication was really great. Even if I asked for a revesion it was immidiately deliv..."
"Charlie is simply amazing. Super thrilled to find him here to begin with as he composed one of my favorite songs with my favorite band ever. Then he continued to impress with his professionalism and creativity. I had ..."
"Eva did a fantastic job. An expert in studio techniques, the sounds she produces are of the highest quality. Eva is also a sensitive and delicate singer who performs with great emotion. As for the method, Eva is hig..."