Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with asaa
Currently over 500,000 streams on Spotify! Professional vocalist/songwriter specializing in alternative pop. You should hire me because I'll simply do a great job, and I've also got a good grasp on understanding certain visions.
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Hello, my name is Asaad, and I help people with making there music, because life without music is not worth living.
Hello I'm Asa Pinson aka Asaa. I'm a musician based out of Ohio and I've been recording, producing, mixing, and mastering for over five years now. I've taken online classes and graduated a recording school called the "Recording Workshop". I work well with others & specialize in working with Hip-Hop, Electronic/Dance, Pop, and other similar genres.
Looking for great drum tracks (processed or raw files) or we can track multiple instruments here..Contact us !!!
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Multifaceted full time professional Vocalist and Songwriter. Specializing in Pop, Rock, Jazz. My voice is versatile. If you need Vocals with german lyrics I´m your choice. :) I've worked as a professional musician, singer and songwriter for over 15 years after I studied music in Germany. My new single "Schweigen" is out on every plattform.
RaaSaa, composer, sound engineer, music producer, singer, beat maker, content producer in the field of music and talent finder In all genres of music, especially rap, rock, metal and film music
Good quality mixing and beatmaking, satisfaction guaranteed.
Recent Successes
"Joey is great! My first time working with him, definitely not the last. Friendly and positive, Fantastic voice and lots of great ideas. Fast turnaround. Highly recommended! Thanx buddy/Fred"
"Second time working together and he goes above and beyond for you to get everything right and sounding perfect."
"Jasmin provided outstanding vocals on a few country and pop tracks I sent her. She had the first one back to me on the same day even and although I didn't require them to be mixed, her voice sounds so polished I hardl..."
"Never disappointed with Robby! "
"Working with Aaron was a great decision. Not only did he deliver an amazing end-product, but gave me some feedback and tips as how to improve my track. I will definitely come back to him if I need another song mastered!"
"Rick is very talented! I’m so glad another Aussie is creating at a world class standard! Easy to deal with & always a fun experience! Highly recommend Rick & his service 👍👍👍"
"He smashed it and was super easy to work with"
"This was my second experience working with Cheshy, and certainly not the last one. She's such an amazing, generous, incredible artist and performer. I am so delighted to have found her on the web, I am so happy that s..."
"I had just come off of a rare bad experience with another SB provider. it was my first time trying that particular provider. For my latest project "Love Bytes" I knew I would need a rock singer. Because it was my firs..."