Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with As If 90's Tribute
Cake is always better with icing. Let me provide my services by putting some icing on top of that sweet new single you just recorded. Wether it be a string section, atmospheres, added percussion or turntables, I'll make it tasiter than it already is.
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Alexandros Chrysidis is a Greek Music Producer. His record accomplishments include 11 multiplatinum and 5 gold albums. He works at the biggest studio complex in Greece, the Sierra Studios.
Hi. Im a 36 year old recording engineer/ mixer. have been working in studios for 17 years.
Engaging mix. The most deadly weapon in your musical arsenal.
I Help artists Transcend . Guarantee to make your track Standout! I'll mix and master your next hit song. About myself : I study audio engineering + i am a Techno dj producer supported by many Afterlife Artists and respectable names in the industry such as OOSTIL , Sasha Carassi , Henri Bergmann , Erly Tepshi , Alphadog and more ...
In music since 1998.
Award-winning female vocalist, songwriter, game music composer, music producer, and director. 9 years of experience in the pop music and game industry.
Beautiful Music Production with a strong Japanese Flavouring.
Recent Successes
"Ivan totally rescued a very poor vocal and that meant I didn't have to get our singer back into the studio. The result was a perfectly tuned, timed and natural sounding vocal! Excellent work, I am very impressed!"
"Dude is the truth!!! I listened to Tyree's Mix & Master parallel to the reference song, and BOOM! He did that!!!!! #HireHim"
"Ziv is definitely one of the most professional guitarist I've worked with. Tone, clarity are exactly as per what was required according to the references I gave him. Recording quality was also top notch. Turnaround s..."
"Matt across both LPs for my band has been a excellent and best in the business mixing engineer to work with! Very understanding, patient, and capable of elevating a vision to the best it can be - would highly recommen..."
"Cory was absolutely amazing. Working with him is as easy as breathing. He not only played the track extremely well, he brought a lot to the table with his ideas and expertise, and made it even better. Couldn't have as..."
"again a pleasure to work with Dan on this one. he is super talented, super fast, did lots more than agreed in the job and brought the song way beyond expectations. for sure not our last job with Dan....- he is THAT GUY!"
"the best!!!"
"Very good work, really recommend :)"