Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with arjun kanungo
Chief Mix engineer at Compass Box Studios in India, past work with Bollywood legends like AR Rahman, Clinton Cerejo etc. Known for our studio's one take live recordings. Specialized in mixing live recordings, creating lush vocal and string arrangements. I will elevate your song to the next level with utmost attention to detail.
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Mixing and mastering from an LA engineer/producer of 8 years+
When you work with me I will make your music so precise like my own. I am do mixing until there is perfect tracks in perfect balance. Sometimes it is need to do some cool tricks but the result will be my best. I will take enough time and effort because this is the best way to make very good results and connections.
With a wide variety of skill-sets ranging from pop to emo & rnb to rap - I hope to bring a new, modern sound to your songs creative environment. Credits: Souly Had, Island Records. Audrey Mika, RCA Records. MNNX, Indigo Audio. Dave AM, Independant. & More.
Ljova has recorded with Yo-Yo Ma & The Silkroad Ensemble, arranged for The Kronos Quartet, Natalia Lafourcade, Alondra de la Parra, Gustavo Santaolalla, has released ten albums, penned dozens of film scores and more. Convenient Manhattan studio or mobile worldwide.
Ben carrillo is an artist, composer and creative director marked by the desire to transcend in time. based in los Angeles, California. Since its beginnings he is known for working with producers like Sky, Mosty, Ovy on the drums, Dayme y el High, Alcover and many more.
My unique approach and style of music production will allow your sound to shine. I want to work with artists that are looking for a sound that goes beyond what most others are making. In my studio, I have both modern and vintage instruments including a powerful collection of synthesizers each with custom sounds that I've crafted over decades.
At ODLB Studio, we are Roland and Ghislain and we are two french producers, mixers and mastering engineers. We aim to perfection. We mix in a hybrid fashion with a few choice pieces of analog gear and we master songs mostly in the Analog Domain.
Recent Successes
"Mark is a consummate professional. I had a specific bass-line style in mind for the track (in the style of Leon Wilkeson) and had communicated that 'up-front' to Mark. Mark not only delivered exactly the feel a..."
"Tom will make sure your master sounds no less than amazing. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!"
"It was awesome working with Riley. He replied quickly every time, communicated clearly, and of course delivered an amazing master. He made sure that I was satisfied with the final product, which is 100% am! "
"Caroline is one of the two whom i marked heart sign as my favorites in sound better. Her voice sounds like that of heaven. I even feel I am cleansed by her voice. There are no exact words to express the power and div..."
"Noah is so talented and very professional with quick turnaround and very understanding of your feedback. Best of the best, thanks again for the experience Noah!"
"Gideon is a fantastic drummer! He made the song his own with added drum flourishes to accentuate the feel. He turned the session around quickly and delivered all stems including extra drum & cymbal hits in case we nee..."
"Incredible turnaround time, great attitude about revisions, and sees my vision. I'll be hiring Thiago again very soon."
"His vocals are soo sick! Lyric writing on top as well! Thanks again, man! "