Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anna Varini
Multi Genre Producer | Multi Instrumentalist | Mixing & Mastering Engineer | Singer & Songwriter | Specializing in R&B/HipHop/Afrobeats/Pop/Latin | Studio owner
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Creative music and sound design for film and television.
I can sing higher. No, higher.
I've mixed & mastered songs that have collectively gained 1.5 million streams on Spotify under my personal artist project, ‘ry flora.’ My mixes & masters have received placement on about 20 Spotify editorial playlists, including “New Music Friday” and "Pop Right Now."
Graduate from the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music, here to take your music to the next level
10 years of experience in the music industry. I am passionate about making hits and am always looking for new opportunities to collaborate with other artists and producers. Let's create something amazing together! I am also active on social media, with a following of 12k on Instagram
Duo of Dj Producer, Catsinka is from Paris. Since they met in 2018, they develop and create their own music together. Catsinka impose his production style on different labels like Lapsus Music, 303Lovers, Clarisse, Vassnova, Be One, Distortion, Aparenzza, Klaphouse … They are the founders of "INKA Music Group"
Metal, Hardcore, All Steel Strings :)
Looking for a unique and flawless sound to stand out in the music world? Success Beats offers professional mixing and mastering services to elevate your music to the highest quality, along with unique beats that complement and define your style. Success Beats is the ideal partner for both emerging and professional artists.
Recent Successes
"Once again, probably one of the nicest and most flexible engineer on this site. Period. Always deliver on time, and always the quality that I'm looking for."
"Nico is great to work with and even more talented. Quick turnaround, responsive, and reliable. (An anmoly to this industry haha) Even local engineers I’ve showed his mix to have said that it was top quality. I’m defin..."
"Erika was a pleasure to work with. She was helpful and happy to offer suggestions that might make our working together both a positive productive experience. She is an extremely talented musician, with an incredi..."
"Alex, always does a phenomenal job with my mixes! He masters them and sends them back quickly and I really appreciate it. "
"Jonas was the nicest person ever. He was very patient made sure I was happy with my project."
"He was very patient and great communication I would 10/10 recommend him he knows what he’s doing for sure . Won’t be disappointed "
"AI’s have nothing on Dylan. To get the kind of gems you need from a record, it requires the kind of musical drumming expertise that Dylan exudes effortlessly! A true professional if you want some depth and soul from s..."
"Thank you for the good communication, fast and professional work"