Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anna Thoresen
Mixing for Pop and Indie Artists.
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EB Studio's Clean Hi-Def Mastering makes your music feel finished and alive. The Studio's experiences team of engineers will enhanced dynamics, craft a warm punchy analog eq feel, set frequency spacing and program in other powerful techniques to make your music stand out.
From budget studios to million dollar spaces, I've studied under music producers from coast to coast here in the US. Whether you're looking to simply punch up your track, or make a whole track from scratch, I'm happy to help! Drop a line and let's get a song going :)
Radio ready mix and mastering with max 3 Revisions.
I assisted in producing a track (my debut track) by playing the piano and doing the synth works for the Track. The song eventually won an award that same year and is now being streamed all over the world. I have endless possibilities in me that can bring to life client's imaginations. I am not just a Pianist but a creative musician.
Cassius Kirk - Multi Instrumentalist, Songwriter, Producer, and Performer creates songs in various genres for more than entertainment. I create songs for different modes of life, commercial needs, as a collaborative work with art work as a part of an NFT, for charitable organizations, sound healing, wellness and meditation.
I put my heart in every project i work on and i care about building long time relationship with my clients.
Get that unique Manchester sound to your music! I work with local, up and coming bands from Manchester, UK, a city dripping in unique music that has shaped the world we live in today. I want to bring that unique sound the rest of the world, all from the comfort of your home, wherever you are!
Recent Successes
"Ray absolutely smashed this job out of the park. He delivered a killer dance remix for our song Castle in the Sky and he was a joy to work with. He took the vision for our track and made it a reality. Thank you Ray fo..."
"I have been working with Narcellie 4 times now. Narcellie has a beautiful voice and is creative. If I do not need creative, Narcellie takes directions with a positive attitude. She is so sweet and the recordings are..."
"It was great working with Jesse on my track! Easy to communicate with, and produced an amazing, professional result, even for a newbie like me. Would gladly work with him again!"
"A seriously amazing song was made! Working with Kevin was the best experience, and can't wait to work with him again!"
"Yuri did an outstanding job producing my song. He understood my vision and gave me exactly what I wanted: a club banger. I didn't even have to request revisions. He got it right the first time. I will be using him for..."
"First time using SoundBetter, Jake was super accomodating and helpful. Will be using his services going forward"
"Rory was awesome to work with. He responds very quickly and works great with revisions. Rory did a killer job adding power and punch to my drops. I'd absolutely recommend Rory if you're looking to add strength to your..."
"I recently had the privilege of working with Trey on a songwriting project, and the experience has been nothing short of transformative. From the moment we began, his professionalism and dedication were evident, setti..."