Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrei Neagu
Professional Guitarist for Bere Gratis and Gheorghe Zamfir since 2015 Music Producer, Session Guitarist and Songwriter from Romania
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Hi, I'm Milosh Delich, a professional session drummer and the owner of Top Drum Tracks Studios. I succesfully collaborated on more then 400 projects, with songwriters, artists and producers from all over the world. I can handle anything from hip hop to pop, rock, country, gospel, funk, soul, r'n'b, reggae, etc. Would be glad to work with you!
Delivering world-class, radio-ready sound with mixing and mastering at an unbeatable price.
I'll help you arrange, design sounds, mix and master your track WITH YOU together! Be with me on every step and be sure you get EXACTLY what you envisioned.
Music is undoubtedly, unquestionably, art. The power in this form of art boils down to one thing: the sound. A strong bass track could clash with the drums, taking power away from the song. Vocals and synths might reside in the same range, taking power away from the song. What I do for you is give power to your song, by creating the perfect mix.
Do you want to take your song to another lever? Look at my profile and come talk to me.
Here to give you the best quality sound possible for your project.
Multi-instrumentalist! Save time & £, get musical ideas sorted, played, recorded, performed. I've a wealth of experience in recording & live scenarios, read music, compose & arrange, play drum-kit/piano/keyboards/accordion/percussion (congas/bongos/djembe/hand-percussion etc)guitar/bass/harmonica/viola owning all & with transport. Get in Touch :-)!
Are you tired of your rock or metal music getting lost in the mix? Do you want your songs to have that professional, radio-ready sound? Look no further! I'm a highly skilled mixing and mastering engineer with a passion for rock and metal. Don't settle for a mediocre mix. Let's create something truly exceptional together. Contact me on SoundBetter.
Recent Successes
"Wow, Sunnie is great. Beautiful voice, beautiful soul. She over delivered for me, giving me LOTS of alternative takes...a ton of great raw material. A real pleasure. Very highly recommended."
"Love working with Erika! Quite frankly she made a vocal and lyrical masterpiece out of a song we did. Love it. She does beautiful work, super-cares about the music, and it's always an all around wonderful experience w..."
"I think one fo the greatest values of Andres' services are the pre-master suggestions he gives you on the mix. Andres' ears obviously have a lot of experience and I appreciate it. His mastering is right on the mark! T..."
"Victoria is a great vocalist. She has a unique style and an amazing tone. She is kind and a delight to work with. She gave a great performance, quick response & fast high quality production! She delivered more than I ..."
"If you’re reading this review, stop. Just book him. Cole went above and beyond my expectations and delivered a phenomenal song very quickly! Cole’s pen is off the charts and he took my half baked idea to the next ..."
"Very kind and talented professional who makes the process extremely easy. Would 100% use her again! . Wonderful experience. "
"Wow! Top quality matched by top professionalism. Highly recommend Christian for your mastering engineering needs! A lot of mastering is approached as a one-size-fits-all operation where the goal is just to adjust t..."
"Great job as always! Tyree got the magic touch!"
"Abbie is a master artist. This is the second time she's worked on a song with me and made it so much better than I imagined it could be. Beautiful voice, great instincts. Excellent communicator and the kindest person...."
"Jamila is Minnie Ripperton and Alison Krauss in disguise. She has a beautiful tone to her voice. Also a professional to a T."