Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andréanne Sabourin Côté
Looking for a bold, original and elements of surprise in your song? I'm your guy! I like to experiment and break the rules. ** Unlimited revisions **. I'm a producer, songwriter, recording and mixing engineer from Montréal, Canada. I worked with accomplished musicians and bands from Quebec and I'm ready to work with people from all over the world!
More providers:
I am a artist, music producer, and engineer from Maryland with 7 years of experience. If you are looking for the best quality mix and master for your instrumental, or the best instrumental for your next hit, look no further! Work with me and prepare to enhance your sound.
I believe each project has the ability to positively affect the world. I make sure I am conscious of the responsibility we have as artists to actively improve the world and quality of live for those who live here.
I will play the accordion with taste. believe me)
MixMasters is a mixing and mastering service that ensures high quality sounding music.
Drum & bass producer and mixing engineer with 10+ years of experience. Also skilled in house, pop, lo-fi, future bass, and more.
Diverse, Edgy and Radio Ready Records... -R&B -Rap/HipHop -Pop -Dance -Country -Rock -Game Teamwork makes the dream work...Let's Go!
I make your music sound at a competitive level
Fusing client visions with my expertise, I craft top-tier productions that meet industry standards and exceed expectations.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with Michael! He was very open to suggestions and doing revisions didn't seem to bother him at all; he seemed genuinely happy to make sure that I was completely happy with the final product. ..."
"Great work as usual. Very professional. "
"Ziv ! is a LEGEND in the making for sure! I AM SOOO GLAD I HIRED HIM FOR MY PROJECT! He is fantastic at communicating and executing what my needs were for the song. He also added his own flavor to it which brought my ..."
"Brian is fantastic! This was our second time working together and I’m really glad I continued to work with him. He was really patient with me figuring out exactly what I wanted and he delivered. I’m so excited about h..."
"second time working with Guy he is simply amazing at what he does he understands exactly what I want and prefects it!"
"Kimera provided absolutely superb vocals. She went above and beyond what we had imagined, and we couldn’t be happier. Incredible voice, fun and easy to work with, quick turnaround…extremely professional job!"
"Matty is great, he gave this song a different texture and look, and I look forward to working with him next time.👍"
"Sam has single-handedly saved my entire album. I was having difficulty finding a mixer who could handle a project with different genres and varying track counts, but Sam was the best- HANDS DOWN. He has a clear and in..."
"Highly recommended"